Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 123


        Macedonia Delays 5G Input; Thailand Announces 5G Rollout

        North  Macedonian  regulator the Agency  for Electronic   the deployment of its 5G network in the 700MHz band to extend
        Communications (AEK) has extended the deadline for comments   the service to rural areas in the second half of the year. Thailand’s
        on the award of 5G frequencies in the country. Interested parties   latest spectrum auction generated over $3.2 billion, far surpassing
        have been asked to comment on the terms and conditions of the   the government’s original expectations.
        spectrum  auction,  the  demand  for spectrum,  the  optimal way
        of allocating  the airwaves,  and a deadline  consistent  with the
        operators’  return  on investment. This follows requests  for an
        extension  from operators  Makedonski Telekom (Telekom)  and
        A1 Macedonia (Vip). The new date for input is 20 April, moved
        from 6 March. The regulator plans to initially award 5G-suitable
        spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz bands in the second half of
        2020. By this time, DTAC plans to have at least some 5G broadband
        services up and running. The Thai operator, also known as Total
        Access Communication, plans to launch the services on its newly
        acquired  26GHz  band  in  selected  locations  by  the  first  half  of
        2020, according to local press reports.  The DTAC CEO  Sharad
        Mehrotra has been quoted as saying that his company will start

        Chunghwa  Telecom  and  Far  EasTone  Pay  Extra  to  Secure  Specific  5G


        Taiwanese mobile network operators   million for 600MHz in the 28GHz band –   billion bid, as  well as  400MHz  at  28GHz
        (MNOs)  Chunghwa  Telecom  and Far   offered TWD2.08  billion for the 3.42GHz-  for TWD412 million. It is understood that
        EasTone   Telecommunications  (FET)  3.51GHz block; this has been suggested to   FET now aims to commercialize 5G in the
        have spent a  combined  TWD4.11  billion   be the optimal block as there should be no   third quarter of 2020. With Taiwan Mobile
        (USD135.2 million) to secure ‘optimal’ 5G   second-harmonic  frequency  interference   Company  and Taiwan  Star – the other
        bandwidth, the Taipei Times reports. With   from existing 4G networks. On the back of   winning  bidders  in  January’s  auction  –
        the  second  phase of the  country’s 5G   the development, chairman Hsieh Chi-mau   opting  against paying additional  monies
        spectrum auction having been conducted   confirmed  the MNO’s 5G launch timeline,   for  their  specific  spectrum  allocations,
        at the end of last week, domestic operators   saying: ‘Despite  a  higher-than-expected   it was noted that the former will take the
        bid to secure frequencies in optimal parts   cost, our plan for 5G deployment remains   3.51GHz-3.57GHz  block  and  the  latter
        of the 3.5GHz band, after they had failed to   unchanged. We aim to launch 5G service in   will  be assigned  the 3.30GHz-3.34GHz
        reach an agreement on the positioning of   July, based on which our customers will be   block.  Taiwan  Mobile is  now expected  to
        spectrum that had been won last month.   able to watch the Tokyo Olympics in 4K and   launch  its  5G services in Q3  2020, while
        For its  part,  Chunghwa  Telecom  – which   VR.’ Meanwhile, FET spent TW2.03 billion   Taiwan Star is looking to begin offering 5G
        emerged  as  the  biggest  spender in the   to secure a block of spectrum at 3.34GHz-  connectivity ‘as soon as possible’.
        first  round,  paying  TWD45.675  billion  for   3.42GHz; it had previously won 80MHz
        90MHz  in the 3.5GHz  band and  TWD618   in the 3.5GHz  band with  a  TWD40.600

        EU Commission Issues “5G Toolbox”, Allowing Huawei in 5G Rollout

        The European  Union has issued a  set   Commission’s  5G  toolbox,  Abraham   been present in Europe for almost 20 years
        of guidelines,  referred  to as the  “5G   Liu, Huawei Chief  Representative to the   and has a proven track record with regard
        toolbox”, and allowed Huawei to continue   EU  Institutions, commented: “Huawei   to security. We will continue to work with
        participating in Europe’s  5G roll.  The   welcomes  Europe’s  decision,  which  European governments  and industry  to
        guidance comes just a day after the British   enables  Huawei  to continue  participating   develop common standards to strengthen
        government  officially  approved  Huawei’s   in  Europe’s  5G  roll-out.  This  non-biased   the security and reliability of the network,”
        involvement in 5G networks in the United   and fact-based approach towards  5G   added Liu.
        Kingdom.  In  a  Huawei  media  statement   security  allows  Europe  to have a  more
        following the publication of the European   secure and faster 5G network. Huawei has
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