Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        WSIS Forum 2020: Media Registration Now Open for World’s Largest Annual

        Gathering of the ‘ICT for Development’ Community

        The 2020 edition of the World Summit on
        the Information  Society (WSIS)  Forum, 6
        to 9  April  2020,  Geneva,  Switzerland, will
        focus on “Fostering digital transformation
        and global  partnerships:  WSIS Action
        Lines   for   achieving  Sustainable
        Development  Goals (SDGs)”.  In 2020,
        the Forum celebrates  15 years of
        providing a  multi-stakeholder  platform
        to discuss,  share experiences,  showcase
        innovation, and foster partnerships  in
        strengthening  the impact  of information
        and communication technologies (ICTs)
        for sustainable development. WSIS Forum
        2020  is  organized by  the International
        Telecommunication  Union  (ITU),  the
        United  Nations  Educational,  Scientific
        and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the   and sustainable development;  and (2)   7.  Innovation for SDGs:  providing  a
        United  Nations Conference  on  Trade  and   Gaming and e-Sport.            platform for all stakeholders to present
        Development  (UNCTAD) and  the United   2.  ICTs  and Youth:  youth will  offer their   success stories and good practices as
        Nations Development Program (UNDP), in   insights  and propose  solutions  to   well as discuss systemic approaches
        partnership  with  more than 30  UN  sister   harvest the power of ICTs for the benefit   towards  building  ICT-centric
        organizations. The Chairman Designate of   of all.                          innovation ecosystems accelerating
        the Forum  is  H.E.  Mr.  Gustavo  Montalvo,   3.  Extended Reality for SDGs: showcasing   digital transformation  and facilitating
        Minister, Ministry of the Presidency of the   innovative applications  of extended   achievement of SDGs.
        Dominican Republic.                    reality for sustainable development.  The WSIS  Forum  is  the only UN-system
        WHAT: In addition to interactive high-level   4.  ICTs  and  Accessibility  for Persons   event of its kind, where both program and
        dialogues  and key policy  statements,   with  Disabilities  and  Specific  Needs:   agenda are entirely crowd sourced during
        event highlights will also include the WSIS   using ICTS to empower people living   an open consultation process. The process
        Prizes ceremony (18 prizes), a ministerial   with disabilities and people  with   aims  at  ensuring  a  participatory  and
        round table, country workshops, thematic   specific  needs  and  promoting  equal   inclusive  spirit  of  the forum and  actively
        workshops, training sessions, knowledge   participation in society.      engages  governments,  civil society, the
        cafés,  a  photo  contest,  a  Hackathon   5.  ICTs and Older Adults: highlighting the   private sector, academia, the technical
        on Smart Sustainable Cities as well as   ICT  dimension  of  the silver economy   community  and  intergovernmental
        an exhibition  where exhibitors  explore   opportunities  and the use  of ICTs for   organizations. The Forum enables  on-
        and address issues critical to WSIS    the aging society. The track will focus   site, as well as  virtual participation
        implementation,  through  innovative   on  several areas, including  healthy   from all  over the world to  engage with
        technological  ideas,  hardware  and   aging through remote care and artificial   high-level representatives of the wider
        applications.                          intelligence, age-friendly environments,   WSIS  Stakeholder community,  including
        Special Tracks at the WSIS Forum 2020  digital skills of older adults, and more.  ministers and deputies,  ambassadors, as
        1.  ICTs  and  Sports:  discover  how  6.  ICTs  and  Gender  mainstreaming:  well  as  leaders  from  the private  sector,
          technology  is taking sports to new   addressing issues related to gender and   academia and civil society.
          heights. The track  will  focus on two   ICTs, in particular on the digital gender
          angles: 1) Sports as an enabler of peace   divide.

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