Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        Those who operate inside the wall    all of their blindspots.            2016 and 2018 the number of CybelAngel
        - employees,  partners,  suppliers-   have                               customer  alerts related  to internet-
        been  viewed with  relatively  minimal   Where do third-party leaks happen?  connected  storage simply  doubled. Even
        suspicion.  And  yet third-party  data
        breaches  are starting to account  for
        an increasingly  larger share of overall
        incidents.  According to the Ponemon
        Institute, 52 % of leaks have their origins
        in a system glitch or human error, and 56 %
        of the businesses polled in 2017 said that
        they had experienced a data breach linked
        to a vendor at some point.

        The  rise in accidental data leaks  is not
        surprising  when we consider  the shifts
        that have taken place  in the  way we do
        business: on average companies now have
        470 external entities who have access to
        their sensitive corporate information, which
        is up from around 380 in 2016 . Ranging
        from MSSPs, architects,  air conditioning
        vendors,  consultants, and contractors.
        Companies  are outsourcing  everything   CybelAngel, 2020
        these days  from  third-party  payroll, to
        HR.  Compound  that with the fact that   Third-party  data  leaks  are closely  bound   more alarming is the criticality of the
        an organization’s vendors  have vendors   up in the culture of ‘oversharing’. It  is   exposed  information: although  internet-
        who have vendors. The supply chain   therefore no surprise  that we are seeing   connected  storage  accounts  for  26%  of
        goes on and on. Alarmingly, 36 percent of   more and more critical data leaks on   overall  customer  alerts,  it  accounts for
        organizations do not apply the same — or   internet-connected  storage,  a category   93% of the most critical.
        higher — cybersecurity  standards  to  their   which is  literally  designed  to make data
        extended ecosystems of partners as they   shareable. Internet-connected storage   Why is this the case? Because Individuals
        apply to their own business.         includes such devices as NAS drives, cloud   and companies back up and store massive
                                             storage and databases and the category is   amounts of information and this is the layer
        Organizations now  need  a  holistic  view   rising in popularity.       where third-  parties  are unintentionally
        over  how  far  their digital  footprint and                             exposing  sensitive  information  :  financial
        supply  chain extend,  and get  visibility on   The global consumer market for NAS   documents, sensitive premises blueprints,
                                             drives alone is expected to reach USD 8.2   technical documents & drawings, personal
           Today it’s not  just  about       billion by 2025. As for cloud  storage,  the   customer data, etc.

           protection  but  about  how       use of  these services is  forecast  to  rise
           quickly you can detect and        from 1.75 billion in 2017 to 2.3 billion by   Not  only  are the data  breaches  coming
                                                                                 from connected  storage most  critical,
                                             2020 .  Data  storage  is rising,  data leaks
           respond.  Every  second           risk is following the same curve    but we’re also  witnessing a  shift in the
           counts  when  it  comes to        We are living in an economy where   way  cyber-attacks  occur.  Today, over
                                                                                 90%  of  data  breaches  are  opportunistic
           the risks of data exposure.       shareability is favored over securability. In   attacks  versus cyber  criminals  setting
           We know that  when it             many  cases, internet-connected  storage   out to target a particular company. Cyber
                                                                                 criminals are out there scanning  the
           comes  to  data  exposure         devices  are  misconfigured,  and  sensitive   entire  internet  looking for unprotected
                                             files can be accessible to anyone
           incidents like this, it’s not a                                       data  and open  servers. Cyber criminals
           matter of if, but a matter of     The number of data leaks that CybelAngel   are opportunistically  going  after this  low
                                                                                 hanging-data to find their next victim and
                                             finds  for  its  customers  on  internet-
           when.                             connected  storage is rising: between   paycheck.

        1  2 Ponemon Institute, Data Risk in the Third-Party Ecosystem (2017)
        2  Statistica,

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