Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 119


                                             parties, especially  on internet-connected   We’ve seen  cybersecurity  is a topic  of
                                             storage.                            priority for companies  worldwide and
                                                                                 a  rising matter in the Middle-East..
                                             Earlier  last  year,  for example, the group   We  witnessed  the  Kingdom  of  Saudi
                                             SamSam launched a series of ransomware   Arabia  hosting  their  first  annual  Global
                                             attacks on hospitals in the US. The group   Cybersecurity  Forum to  kick  off  the year.
                                             scanned  the internet  for RDP (Remote   A monumental event for the region  and
                                             Desktop)  connections  without password   demonstration  of  the willingness to  take
                                             protection,  before breaking into and   action and prioritize cybersecurity. GISEC
                                             freezing networks and asking for a Bitcoin   Middle 2020  is  coming  and conferences
                                             ransom. It is only a matter of time before we   and tradeshows dedicated to the topic are
                                             start reading about more such examples in   happening every week.
                                             the press.
                                                                                 The   SAMENA    Council  has  made
                                             Ways to counter data leaks          cybersecurity a key issue and is determined
                                             So,  what is to be  done?  Perimeter-based   to  do  everything in  its  power to  protect
                                             data leak systems are no longer enough.   stakeholders in the region and shed light
                                             Training and awareness initiatives not only   on the most cutting-edge solutions in the
                                             within organizations but  in collaboration   world.  Leadership  must  understand the
                                             with third parties are important. However,   link between  their third-parties, internet-
                                             when  a  paradigm shift is needed  on a   connected  storage,  and  their  confidential
                                             mass scale this is easier said than done.   data.  The industry  needs  to start  taking
                                             The risks are always going to be there, slip   third-party risk as seriously as it regards
                                             ups will inevitably occur, after all we’re only   purely external threats, and a good place
                                             human. As unprotected files will ultimately   to start  would be implementing data  risk
                                             always be freely accessible out there, the   management solutions that provide much
                                             right questions to  ask  become:  what  is   needed  visibility  to  the large third-party
        Understanding  the timeline of  a data   available, on which scale, who can access   blindspot.
        breach                               it, and what can they do with it?
        Quite often the timeline of a data breach                                   We’ve  seen cybersecurity
        is  quite long. It  relates to activities that   Visibility  over this  expanding digital   is a  topic  of priority  for
        may have happened 6 to 12 months prior   footprint is not as far away as it might seem.
        to it coming  to light. Every single  data   Innovative new solutions  are addressing   companies worldwide and a
        breach begins with a flaw or vulnerability   these questions head on by harnessing the   rising matter in the Middle-
        somewhere.  Being informed  of those   power of artificial intelligence and bridging
        negligence  in  real  time  when they  occur   the gap when it comes to third-party data   East..  We  witnessed  the
        completely changes the game and ensures   leaks. Today it’s not just about protection   Kingdom  of  Saudi  Arabia
        a real control over public data leak risk.  but about how quickly you can detect and
                                             respond.  Every second  counts when  it   hosting  their  first  annual
        The  root cause of most 2019 data    comes  to the risks  of data  exposure.  We   Global   Cybersecurity
        breaches  was  negligence  and unsecured   know that when it comes to data exposure   Forum to kick off the year.
        databases... “which left sensitive customer   incidents like this, it’s not a matter of if, but
        data unprotected in the open wilds of the   a matter of when.               A monumental event for the
        internet, to be bought and sold by hackers                                  region  and  demonstration
        who barely had to lift a finger to find it.”    Final Thoughts
                                             Increasingly complex supplier  networks,   of  the  willingness     to
        What are the risks of third-party leaks?  together  with  a  penchant  for sharing   take action  and prioritize
        It  is  clear  that  companies’  sensitive   information rather than protecting  it,  are   cybersecurity.
        information  is  being  exposed  by  third-  spawning a rise in third-party data leaks.


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