Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 126


        Regulator Clarifies Reports on ‘Strained Relations’ with Vodacom

        The  Lesotho  Communications Authority   matter  is  currently  pending  before  the   terms of its operating licence. As such, the
        (LCA) has released a statement clarifying   High Court. In a separate matter, the LCA is   watchdog  has requested  that Vodacom
        recent  local media reports  ‘alluding to   also accusing Vodafone of failing to meet   provide written reasons within 90 days for
        strained relations’ with telecoms operator   Universal Service  Fund  (USF) obligations   why its concession should not be revoked.
        Vodacom Lesotho. Firstly, in August 2019   to provide  a total of 150 schools  with   Additionally, the LCA accuses  Vodacom
        the regulator says  it  issued a  penalty of   internet  access, and of not  providing   of failing to comply with tariff conditions.
        LSL8.2 million (USD547,000) to Vodacom   complete  and  accurate  information  Finally, the LCA clarifies that it is not aware
        after it failed to pay regulatory fees due on   regarding this obligation,  despite several   of, and has not issued any notice relating
        or by 1 July 2019. The following November,   requests  to do so.  Thirdly, the LCA says   to, the alleged  irregular acquisition of a
        the LCA published  a  statement notifying   that  Vodacom has  not appointed  an   20% stake in Vodacom by Sekhametsi and
        the public of the penalty, although  the   independent auditor, as required under the   ‘distances itself from such allegations’.

        Brazilian Telecoms Regulator Discusses 5G Auction Rules

                                             spectrum later this year. The consultation   attract opportunities  to the  Latin market.
                                             will last for 45 days and will set the specific   Over the last  few months,  the telecoms
                                             details of the auction. A draft version of the   sector has been considering the possibility
                                             rules had been approved by Anatel’s board   of delaying the 5G auction as a result from
                                             earlier this month.  In  a  recent  interview   pressure  from  the United States.  The US
                                             with Reuters, Nokia’s CTO in Latin America,   wants to prevent  Chinese  businesses
                                             Wilson Cardoso,  described  the event as   such as  Huawei  from  operating in  the
                                             “the world’s  biggest-ever” auction  of 5G   5G  markets  of its  allies,  including Brazil.
                                             suitable frequencies.  The  auction was   However, the Brazilian government doesn’t
                                             originally scheduled  to be held in March,   seem willing to  oblige. Last  year,  Brazil’s
                                             but it was then delayed to at least the end   vice-president  Hamilton  Mourao said  the
                                             of the year - it is now likely that will take   country  would not interfere  in  Huawei’s
                                             place in November.  Such  delays  could   activities. According  to Mourao, Brazil
                                             cost Brazil billions in lost tax revenues as   wants the Chinese giant to invest in local
        Brazilian  telecoms  regulator  Anatel has   well as investments: vendors like Ericsson   infrastructure, as long it creates local jobs
        launched a public consultation to discuss   and Nokia  have shown  interest  in the   and plays by the government’s rules.
        the rules of what could be the world’s largest   country’s coveted 5G spectrum and have
        single  auction  for  fifth-generation  (5G)   announced  plans  to invest heavily  and

        Attorney General Opens Investigation into Spectrum Auction

        The Attorney General’s Office has opened   Partners,  the  Icelandic-owned, London-  by  TeleGeography’s  CommsUpdate,
        a disciplinary investigation  into  a senior   based owner of  Chilean upstart  operator   Partners  botched  its bid for 2500MHz
        Ministry of Information Technologies and   WOM  – complied  with conditions  for   spectrum  and mistakenly entered  a bid
        Communications  official  regarding  the   objectivity and transparency. The Attorney   of  COP1.748  trillion  (USD534.2  million)
        handling  of the recent  spectrum  auction,   General is also looking to clarify the amount   for Block 2 in the band, well ahead of its
        in particular the ‘alleged  inconsistencies   that the government would obtain from the   bids for Block 5 (COP293.2  billion)  and
        in the Partners selection process’. As part   December  2019 sale.  In a  statement,  the   Block 6 (COP173.5 billion). The company
        of  the  process,  the  office  has  requested   investigator noted that the MinTIC official   asked that the erroneous bid be withdrawn
        that the ministry temporarily suspend the   was accused of allowing capital funds such   and although MinTIC stated that it would
        granting  of spectrum rights until it  can   as  Novator to participate in the auction   consider the request it has yet to reach a
        determine  whether newcomer  Partners   under more flexible conditions than other   decision on the matter.
        – the bidding  vehicle  used  by Novator   interested  parties. As previously reported

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