Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 117



        The Biggest Blindspot in Cybersecurity Today

        The  Link between  Third-Parties, Connected  Storage,  & your
        Confidential Data

           Today,  over 90%  of  data breaches  are
           opportunistic       attacks     versus      cyber

           criminals setting out to target a particular
           company.  Cyber  criminals  are  out  there
           scanning  the  entire  internet  looking  for
           unprotected data and open servers. Cyber
           criminals are opportunistically going after
           this  low  hanging-data  to  find  their  next
           victim and paycheck.

        We’ve heard time and time again, “data is the  oil of the  digital
        era”.  Data  has  become  a  good  that  can be traded. Data  drives
        innovation, drives efficiency, according to economists it’s worth
        more than gold, and it can destroy a company’s reputation in one
        fell swoop.

        Across all industries, data security is a topic at the forefront of
        everyone’s minds. Businesses today understand all too well what
        is at stake and the inevitability of an error. The challenge of data
        protection grows by the day as organizations increasingly share
        customer data across teams, partners and third-party contractors.   Pierre Cabannes
        It’s the entire ecosystem at stake.                     Head of International Markets
        While data  exposure may  be a  necessary  evil,  the damages
        associated with them can be stopped. The risk is only going to
        continue growing, while many current security measures fall short
        to capture the root of the problem. Data security is more important
        than ever before, and by harnessing the power of Machine Learning
        and Artificial Intelligence, it’s time to get to the root of leaks.

        The fundamental challenge of third-parties
        It’s time for a paradigm shift in the way organizations view data
        leaks. For a long time, the cybersecurity industry has focused on
        sealing up their internal networks in order to keep external threat
        actors out.

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