Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 87


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        5G Roaming Subscribers to Reach 147 Million Globally By 2025

        A new  study from Juniper  Research has   urges operators to bypass the creation of   now, in preparation for the recovery of the
        found  that the number  of international   non-standalone  5G  roaming agreements   market.’ The research identified operators
        5G  roaming subscribers  will  reach   and focus on  basing 5G roaming    in  North  America  and  the  Far  East  as
        147  million by  2025;  increasing from   agreements  on standalone  architecture   leading  in  5G  roaming  agreements.  By
        4.3  million in  2021.  This  represents a   immediately.  Research  author  Scarlett   2025, it anticipates  that over 35% of 5G
        growth  of 3,300% over the next four   Woodford noted, ‘The current decrease in   roaming subscribers will be attributable to
        years.  It  predicts that  standalone  5G   international  roaming  traffic  must  not  be   these two regions. However, the research
        architectures, which leverage  innovative   used as a reason to neglect future roaming   warns  that  these early  agreements  must
        core network technologies and high levels   activities. Given that roaming agreements   be extended  to  include  standalone 5G
        of virtualization, will be  instrumental in   can take  between 12  and 18  months to   roaming capabilities, as the prevalence of
        allowing operators to create appealing   be established, operators  must  focus   non-standalone networks diminish.
        5G roaming packages for this growing   on standalone  5G roaming  agreements
        number  of subscribers.  It predicts  that
        the  higher  degree  of  software-defined
        network applications in standalone  5G
        networks will create greater efficiencies in
        routing of voice and data roaming traffic,
        thus reducing  operators’  investment
        needed to offer 5G roaming services. The
        new study, Mobile Roaming:  Emerging
        Opportunities,  Regional  Analysis  &
        Market Forecasts 2021-2025, argued that
        current non-standalone  5G  architectures,
        which leverage the same  core network
        technologies as 4G, will not be sufficient in
        aiding operators  to  launch cost-effective
        international  roaming services over 5G
        networks. Despite the global pandemic
        causing   substantial  decreases  in
        international roaming traffic, the research

        Brazilian Fiber Wholesale Network Deal is Confirmed

        Following  news  of  a  potential  agreement   Telefônica  Brazil  (Vivo)  and  Telefónica   investors in infrastructure, is investing  a
        to  set  up  a  new  fiber  optic  broadband   Infra, the infrastructure arm of Telefónica   total of up to R$1.8 billion (about $315.7
        wholesaler  in  Brazil,  this  deal  has  now   Group, each of which will hold a stake of 25   million)  in this joint venture. It  will  start
        been confirmed. Telefónica Group, a major   percent. Operating as a neutral wholesale   with a  portfolio of 1.6  million homes
        international operator,  and Caisse  de   company,  FiBrasil  is  set  to  deploy  and   passed (HPs)  contributed  by  Telefônica
        dépôt  et placement  du Québec  (CDPQ),   operate  fiber  optic  networks  in  selected   Brasil,  but  FiBrasil  aims  to  expand  its
        a  global investment group, have reached   mid-sized cities across Brazil outside the   network to  reach  around 5.5  million HPs
        an  agreement  for the construction,   state  of  Sao  Paulo,  and  to  offer  fiber-to-  within four  years.  However, this may be
        development  and operation  of  a  neutral   the-home (FTTH) wholesale access to all   part  of an  even bigger  coverage drive.
        and  independent  optical  fiber  wholesale   telecommunications  service providers,   Christian  Gebara,  Telefônica  Brasil's  CEO,
        network  in  Brazil.  It  will  be  called   enabling  them  to offer these  services  to   said: “Fiber will be a key driver for Vivo's
        Infraestrutura e Fibra Ótica SA (or FiBrasil).   their end customers. This is clearly a major   future top-line growth aiming at reaching
        Telefónica Group and CDPQ will each hold   initiative, a fact underlined by the amount   at least 24 million HPs by the end of 2024,
        50 percent in FiBrasil, although Telefónica   of money that is going into it. CDPQ, one   and  FiBrasil  will  be  Vivo's  platform  for
        Group's participation will be held through   of the world's  largest global institutional   expanding coverage to greenfield cities."

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