Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 63


        UAE Tops in Telecom Infrastructure in Region: Survey

                                                               volume and technological  interaction, it  said.  When it  came to
                                                               the launch and use of 5G - the fifth-generation network, the UAE
                                                               ranked first in the Arab Region and fourth globally, according to
                                                               the Global  Connectivity Index issued by  Carphone  Warehouse,
                                                               specialized in technology benchmarking. An added achievement,
                                                               the  UAE  came  first  in  the  Middle  East  for  transformation  to
                                                               Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), according to statistics issued
                                                               by  Ripe NCC, Akamai  Technologies, and Google. The transition
                                                               to IPv6 helped Internet service providers deliver better services
                                                               and  significantly  impacted  implementing  5G  technologies  for
                                                               mobile phone networks and digital transformation. The IPv6 was
                                                               critical due to the shortage of Internet protocols and the inability
                                                               of IPv4 to meet the growing demand in light of the internet's rapid
                                                               growth. In the ODIN report issued by the Open Data Watch, which
                                                               included  187  countries, the UAE  ranked 16th  globally,  leaping
                                                               51 places at once, compared to 2018. In this indicator, the UAE
                                                               outperformed  countries  such as  the USA, Korea, Switzerland,
                                                               France,  Spain,  Japan,  and  the  United  Kingdom.  According  to
                                                               the report,  two  main  factors -  openness  and comprehensive
                                                               coverage,  classified  the  countries  for  open  data  sites.  Hamad
                                                               Obaid Al Mansoori, Director General of the Telecommunications
                                                               and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, said: "The year 2020
        The  UAE's  telecommunications  infrastructure  ranks  first  in   was exceptional at all levels and full of unexpected development
        the Gulf, Arab Region  and Western Asia,  and seventh globally   and never-before challenges.  There was  an increased need
        in the Telecommunications  Infrastructure Index, according   for internet  services from lockdown in most countries  and the
        to  the UN  E-Government  Survey  2020.  In  the Smart  Services   almost  total  suspension  of transport  movement  to reliance  on
        Index, the UAE ranks first in the Gulf, the Arab Region and West   the internet to accomplish business, education, communication,
        Asia, and the eighth  in the world, said a  statement from the   and government services. This increased demand added pressure
        UAE Telecommunications  and Digital Government  Regulatory   on networks, which required the most modern infrastructure and
        Authority (TDGRA). The authority said the year 2020 witnessed   technologies  to  deal with  this  sudden  development.  “The UAE
        a noticeable increase in the demand for telecommunications and   affirmed its leadership in all sectors, especially in communication
        Internet services. This growth is also a reflection of the sector's   technology as the Telecommunications and Digital Government
        readiness and the authority's resolve to move towards the future,   Regulatory Authority confirmed its ability to achieve distinguished
        by deploying all modern technologies in the best way possible to   results. Indeed, it  is  a  proud  moment  of strategic thinking
        realize greater achievements at  local, regional  and even global   and continuous development  under  the guidance  of our wise
        levels.  The  UN  survey  confirmed  the  UAE's  determination  to   leadership." He added: "We were able to meet the nation's growing
        provide services  that  meet the  people's  needs  and aspirations   needs  during  the last  year and exceed  expectations  with  the
        by employing emerging  and advanced  technologies  and   readiness  of the Telecommunications and Digital Government
        implementing digital transformation programs like Smart Dubai,   Regulatory  Authority in its  pursuit  of excellence,  which helped
        Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Strategy, TRA said. During   to achieve impressive results at local, regional and global levels.
        2020, the UAE maintained its first place globally in mobile phone   We consider these  achievements a  catalyst  for achieving more
        subscriptions index and advanced from second place to first in   positive results and will help us continue efforts to reaffirm the
        the world in mobile broadband Internet subscriptions index. The   United  Arab  Emirates  position  in  the  world”.  "The  United  Arab
        UAE also ranked first in the Arab world and at the regional level   Emirates is one of the leading countries in the region in the field
        in the Information  &  Communication  Technologies  Index, the   of  digital  transformation.  It  is  supported  by  qualified  national
        Internet Access  Index, and the Internet Use  Index.  In  terms of   human resources who are open to international best practices.
        the overall percentage of Internet users, the UAE made progress   The UAE’s teams have always been keen to develop their skills
        by  reaching  the  fifth  position  globally  and  a  qualitative  leap   and enhance their online presence; they develop their strategies
        from the 68th place in the world to the 29th position in the fixed   to keep pace with the developments and prepare for the future. It
        broadband subscriptions index. The UAE ranked first in the Arab   is for these reasons, that the UAE achieves distinguished results
        Region in the index of local Internet domain names, which uses   every year," said Richard Kerby, President, Richard Kerby LLC and
        the symbol (ae). These  indicators measure the  percentage  of   an expert advisor of international repute on digital transformation
        domain  registration  in other  countries  and indicate  movement   of governments.

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