Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        the launch of a quarterly award for the internet service provider   connection and speed. Saudi Arabia’s current gaming market size
        with the best response time for video gaming, a key indicator of the   is SR2.6 billion and is expected to reach SR9.5 billion by 2030. The
        network’s performance. In addition, the commission will start the   Saudi gaming market’s annual growth rate is 22 percent, which is
        publication of quarterly reports comparing response times among   among the highest in the world. (March 6, 2021)
        service providers across some of the most popular video games in
        the Kingdom. Data from CITC’s first Game Mode quarterly report   Saudi Arabia showcased its model to strengthen the security and
        reveals that Mobily topped the list of average response time in the   resilience of critical infrastructure against cyber-attacks and other
        popular game "Fortnite" in the fourth quarter of 2020, based on an   hazards during a meeting of the International Telecommunication
        average response time of 21 seconds. This compared favorably   Union (ITU)  Council  Working Group on international public
        with Integrated Telecom at 28 seconds, Zain at 29 seconds, and   policy issues related to the Internet. During the meeting, which
        Saudi Telecom Company (STC) at 35 seconds, for a total national   was attended by ITU secretary-general Houlin Zhao, his deputy
        average of 33 seconds. Soccer video game "FIFA" was also tested   Malcolm Johnson and a number  of representatives of the  ITU
        by Game Mode, with Zain ending in first place among operators   member states, the Kingdom shared with the member states the
        with an average  response  time of 29  seconds.  Mobily also   Saudi model for  strengthening  the resilience  of cybersecurity
        outperformed other service providers in the average response time   during the year of its presidency of the G20 and the virtual G20
        for the "Apex Legends" shooter battle royal game, after recording   Leaders'  Summit. During  its  G20 presidency, the Kingdom,
        an average response time of 24 seconds, followed by Integrated   represented by the National Cybersecurity Authority, was keen to
        Telecom,  Zain, and STC.  As  for  the online  battle  arena game   develop the model, as a comprehensive reference for the countries
        "League of Legends", the performance was relatively low across   that  will  chair the G20 in the future and all  major  conference
        the spectrum of operators, with Mobily and Zain topping the list   organizers. Participants in the meeting praised the Saudi model
        with an average response time of 86 seconds, followed by STC   for strengthening cybersecurity resilience, and its contribution to
        at 95 seconds, and Integrated Telecom at 97 seconds. For fixed   holding this important event safely and reliably.
        internet average latency in Saudi Arabia, Integrated Telecom was   (February 8, 2021)
        first place with a latency of 9ms. Mobily and Zain were second and
        third with latencies of 13ms and 18ms respectively. STC’s fixed   The Communications  &  Information  Technology  Commission
        internet average latency was 19ms and Go was 34ms. Zain was   (CITC) announced  that  Integrated  Telecom  Company (ITC) and
        first place for mobile internet average latency with 33ms, closely   another telecom operator won the tender for providing the mobile
        followed by Mobily and STC with 34ms and 36ms respectively.   virtual network operator  (MVNO)  services. The  two companies
        Zain also led the field with mobile 5G average latency with 22ms   were given a grace period of 90 days from the day of notifying
        with STC in second place with 24ms and Mobily in third with 25ms.   them about the  award to  complete  all regulatory  requirements.
        The report also looked at the service providers' performance in   However, failure to fulfill such requirements by any of the two firms
        each of Saudi Arabia’s  13  regions.  Zain was  the top performer   during the prescribed period will lead to awarding the tender to the
        in  Riyadh,  Mobily  first  place  in  Makkah,  and  the  two  providers   third winner as an alternative, CITC added. The telecom regulator
        were  tied  first  place  in  the  Eastern  region.  The  "Game  Mode"   also noted that the completion of requirements by the two firms
        reports provide other useful insights on the Saudi gaming market,   to obtain the licenses within 90 days will bring the total number of
        including  a  list  of the most popular video  game platforms, the   awarded MVNO licenses in the Kingdom to four licenses. In 2014,
        most talked-about games in the gamers’ community, along with   CITC awarded the MVNO licenses to Virgin Mobile KSA and Etihad
        guidelines for gamers to improve the overall quality of the internet   Jawraa. (February 6, 2021)

                                                                                                    Sri Lanka

        Following  the  conclusion  of  its  recent  public  consultation  on   that number portability will lead to a significant improvement in
        the matter, the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of   the quality of services of voice and broadband once implemented,
        Sri Lanka (TRCSL) has announced that fixed number portability   as it ‘empowers the consumer to have the final say’. As previously
        (FNP) and mobile number portability (MNP), enabling customers   reported by CommsUpdate,  in January  this year the regulator
        to switch provider while retaining their existing number, will likely   published a public consultation to seek feedback on its proposed
        be  introduced  from October  2021.  According  to the local Daily   MNP/FNP plans, inviting comments and views from the industry,
        Mirror newspaper, TRCSL Director General Oshada Senanayake   academia, and other interested parties. Prior to that, in August
        has  announced  that  the  policy  would  be  implemented  ‘in   2020 TRCSL had put in place ‘preliminary measures’ to usher in
        consultation with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, due   MNP.  Using  its  Twitter  platform,  the  regulator  confirmed:  ‘TRC
        to its success in implementing number portability in Pakistan’.   initiates preliminary steps on implementing  number  portability
        It is understood FNP/MNP has reached the technical discussion   which would enable consumers  to  select service providers
        stage after receiving the support of all domestic operators for its   without change of existing mobile numbers’.
        launch, in principle. Senanayke highlighted the government’s hope   (March 19, 2921)

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