Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        will  be  collected  before  it  goes  into  commercial  operation,”  he   and is approved, we can procure additional equipment for the 5G
        added. According to Nepal, 5G will be tested using different bands   network. They will be installed on the existing telecom towers,” he
        and suitable ones will be selected. “The 5G trials may take two-  said. When asked if the 5G network would be expensive, Adhikari
        three months or even a year.” Once the frequency for 5G operation   said they had not calculated the cost yet. “Once the piloting is
        is separated, state-owned telecom giant Nepal Telecom will start   successful, we will issue a global tender to buy the equipment. A
        trial operation. For commercial operation, the telecom regulator   cost analysis will also be made at that time,” he said. According
        has started doing homework to fix the frequency band, spectrum,   to the latest management and information report of the authority,
        distribution  process, pricing  and other possibilities, Aryal  said.   internet  access has  reached  82.79  percent of  total  population
        The frequency band needs to be separated for trial operation and   with 60.34 percent mobile broadband users. The number of 4G
        commercial  use,  he added. Addressing the 23rd  anniversary  of   users had reached 6.68 million as of mid-January, including 2.38
        the Nepal Telecommunications  Authority, Information  Minister   million 4G subscribers of Nepal Telecom, 4.08 million subscribers
        Parbat  Gurung  said  that  they  had started preparations to roll   of Ncell  and 219,708  subscribers  of Smart  Telecom. According
        out 5G network by piloting it in four major cities in the country.   to reports, Hong Kong, Seoul, Sydney, Taipei, Manila, Tokyo and
        Nepal currently has 4G networks that were established in January   Shenzhen  have already introduced  5G networks. In  May  2020,
        2017. According to Nepal Telecom, 4G service has reached all 77   Bangkok became the first city in Southeast Asia to roll out a 5G
        districts in the country, covering 654 local units, or 85 percent of   network, while Singapore in August started a six-month trial.
        the population. The authority said that 75 percent of the population   (March 6, 2021)
        used  devices  that  are  4G  supportive.  The  fifth  generation  5G
        technology  standard  for cellular  broadband networks offers   Nepal’s National Telecommunications  Authority  (NTA) has
        faster connections, higher throughput and more capacity than 4G,   determined  the spectrum  bands that  will  be used for 5G.  NTA
        and will benefit areas of high traffic such as public places. The   spokesperson  Meen  Prasad  Aryal  confirmed  that  the  regulator
        government will work to expand the 5G network under the Digital   has  adopted  the  bands  identified  by  the  National  Frequency
        Nepal Framework 2018. Nepal Telecom has conducted tests for   Management  Forum  –  a  body  formed  by  the  regulator,  the
        interference that can happen in a 5G network, and encountered   Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MoCIT)
        interference  while using  a band proposed  by the  authority  in a   and  telecom  operators  –  and  has  submitted  the  plans  to  the
        preliminary study. A meeting is expected to be held between the   National  Radio  Frequency  Policy  Determination  Committee
        Ministry and the Authority to resolve this matter. Dilli Ram Adhikari,   for approval.  The forum has recommended  using the 700MHz,
        Managing Director of Nepal Telecom, said they had asked their   900MHz, 2300MHz and 2600MHz spectrum bands in the lower
        4G equipment and service supplier to provide 5G equipment to   range, 3300MHz, 3400MHz, 3600MHz and 4100MHz in the mid-
        conduct a trial. “As soon as they submit a report and recommend   range and 26GHz in the high range. Service providers will only be
        an appropriate modality for the trial phase, we will start piloting   allocated frequencies once the Committee, chaired by the MoCIT,
        in the selected cities,” he said. “If things go as planned, we may   has agreed the plans. In the meantime, the NTA has been tasked
        begin the 5G trial by the end of this fiscal year.” Nepal Telecom   with conducting a  study into the deployment of 5G services.
        currently has basic infrastructure for a 5G network which needs   (February 16, 2021) The Himalayan Times
        to  be  upgraded,  Adhikari  said.  “After  the  spectrum  is  identified


        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA) has   providers and researchers can pilot or test their innovations or
        established the annual royalty rate that telecoms licensees are   ideas. Announcing  the launch  of the public  consultation,  the
        obligated to pay to the government of Oman. ‘Ministerial Decision   Authority said: “The TRA intends  to allow telecommunications
        No. 19/2021 Determining the Percentages of the Annual Royalty   technology, applications or services to be tested in a coordinated,
        Prescribed  on the Licensee  to  Provide Telecommunications   coherent,  secure  and  safe  manner.”  The  framework,  it  stated,
        Services’ states  that  Class  I  licensees  (including  mobile   will  be applicable  to  all  entities or individuals (seeking) to  test
        operators)  will be  required  to pay 12% of their  total annual   services related to telecommunications technology, applications
        revenues, while other fixed line operators must pay 7% in 2021   or services directly. It defined the sandbox as a ‘safe house’ where
        and 10% of their total annual revenue from 2022. For providers of   pilots  of  specified  types  of  innovative  products  and  services
        ‘other telecommunications services’, the rate has been set at 7%   can take place. “Sandboxes allow businesses to test innovative
        of their total annual revenues. (March 8, 2021)  products, services, business models and delivery mechanisms in
                                                               a live environment, without having to immediately comply with
        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA)  of the   all regulatory requirements,” the Authority explained. According
        Sultanate has announced the launch of a public consultation on   to  the regulator,  the regulatory  sandbox  will  be open  to  any
        its regulatory sandbox – a framework in which telecom service   company, technology firm or individual who aspires to “introduce

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