Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 43


           Studies  have  found  that        Intelligent video  surveillance  systems   Blockchain  also  has  a  role  to  play  in
                                                                                 smart  transportation.  Databases  can
                                             (IVS), however, can monitor troublesome
           adding  just  20  minutes         areas and identify issues  using real-time   be used  to  coordinate all  aspects of
           to a daily commute  has           analytics and big data, which can then be   vehicle  ownership, such  as  insurance,
           the  same  negative effect        communicated  to  drivers.  This  gives  the   registration,   road   taxes   due,   fines
                                             opportunity for drivers to change  course
                                                                                 accumulated,  vehicle  reselling, servicing
           on  job satisfaction  as          and avoid  hotspots, thereby  lessening   schedules,  maintenance  requirements as
           receiving  a 19 per  cent         the congestion.  Connected  cars and   communicated by connected vehicles, and
                                             autonomous vehicles will be able to make
                                                                                 much more.  Developing  a  system  such
           pay cut, so cutting  down         automatic suggestions to drivers based on   as this will require collaboration between
           commute        time    should     data sourced from the IVS cloud. Perhaps   the  public  and private sector, but it will
           reflect     positively      on    even more valuable here is the benefits of   ultimately  lead  to  a  more  efficient,  safe,
                                                                                 and convenient transportation network for
                                             IVS for informing  emergency  services of
           personal happiness as well        any incidents that require urgent attention.   any  vehicle  owners  and  traffic  regulatory
           as potentially  boosting          Now, consider the benefits of smart parking.   bodies as well.
                                             This is something that anyone who drives
           employee engagement.              a car will  understand the frustrations of,   Huawei has numerous solutions that
                                             especially when visiting a popular area such   can contribute to  the development of
        transportation network remains unevolved.   as a shopping mall or commercial district.   smart transportation networks  for cities,
        But  even  more  than  enabling  people  to   Parking availability can be in short supply   including  cloud  data  centers, smart
        move  seamlessly  from  A  to  B,  a  smart   in  many  cities around the world, which   cameras, wired and wireless networks, and,
        transportation system has the potential to   is  why smart  parking is  gaining appeal.   of course, 5G. 5G will prove significant to
        improve quality of life, too. For one, fewer   Smart  parking improves the experience   the future of smart transportation, as it will
        traffic jams should lead to less road rage   for everyone,  by allocating  drivers to   enable  stronger, faster connectivity  with
        and lower stress  levels amongst drivers   parking spots, alleviating congestion, and   lower latency and the ability to support an
        and passengers. Studies have found that   helping to better utilize space – something   increased  number of connected devices,
        adding just 20 minutes to a daily commute   that is at an absolute  premium in urban   whether  they  be cars, cameras,  road
        has the same negative effect on  job   environments.  Connected  parking lots   signals, metro trains or otherwise.
        satisfaction as receiving a 19 per cent pay   and spaces are essential in order to make
        cut, so cutting down commute time should
        reflect  positively on  personal  happiness   Huawei  has numerous solutions  that  can contribute  to
        as  well  as  potentially  boosting  employee
        engagement.                             the  development  of  smart transportation  networks  for
                                                cities, including cloud data centers, smart cameras, wired
        And, of course, there is the environmental
        aspect  to  consider,  as  technology   and wireless networks, and, of course, 5G. 5G will prove
        can certainly  play  a  role in  making   significant to the future of smart transportation, as it will
        transportation networks more green, with   enable stronger, faster connectivity with lower latency and
        fewer emissions and a lower impact.
        Today’s   transportation   systems   do   the ability to support an increased number of connected
        take  advantage of  some offerings from   devices, whether they be cars, cameras, road signals, metro
        the information and communications
        technology (ICT) sector – consider Dubai’s   trains or otherwise.
        driverless metro  system, for example,
        or  the smart  cameras  that  are  installed   smart parking a reality, but there is still a   ICT  frameworks  will  form  the  heart  of
        on  roads  across  the  region.  There  is   considerable  way to go in order to shift   smart  transportation, just  as  they  are at
        considerably  more that can be  done,   from the silos that  they  currently  exist   the center of smart city development. From
        however, to enhance it further.      within. Various shopping malls around the   5G to AI, big data to cloud data centers, the
                                             region  have implemented  the beginnings   more solid and robust the ICT framework is,
        Take  roads,  for  example.  It  isn’t  always   of smart parking by installing sensors that   the more advanced the world around it can
        possible  to expand a  frequently-used   inform drivers of availability, but in order for   become – and the more people can benefit
        road to make room for more vehicles, and   this to become a seamless network these   from living in a smart  city environment
        even if there is room to do so that will not   carparks must be connected  to publicly   with seamless transportation powered by
        necessary solve the problem of congestion.   accessible cloud-based system.   cutting-edge technology.

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