Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 64


           Be it customer  service,          ICT Development. The ITU WTISD thus is   Target 1.7 (Growth): By 2023, 40% of the
                                             not just a day to be observed. Still, a larger
                                                                                 population  should  be interacting  with
           infrastructure     expansion      goal to  which several  goals  and  targets   government services online
           or nation-building  activity,     are interlinked, isthe basis of the telecom   Omantel’s success: When Oman launched
           Omantel         has       been    provider’s  overall  socio-economic and   the e-Government  initiative two  decades
                                                                                 back, it banked on the power of Omantel,
                                             environmental responsibility.
           pushing the boundaries of                                             the Sultanate’s first and leading integrated
           innovation through ICT-led        The  five  goals  are  Growth,  Inclusiveness,   services provider.  Today,  the most
                                             Sustainability, Innovation and Partnership.
                                                                                 significant  proportion  of  the  Sultanate’s
           initiatives  that  create  a      The targets therein particularly contribute   government  services have gone digital.
           fertile ground for the socio-     to digital transformation in the framework   With  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  the  reach
                                             of the Connect 2030 Agenda.
                                                                                 has been more comprehensive.
           economic  ecosystem  to
           flourish.                         Omantel,  when  it  first  charted  its  ICT   TARGET  3.1 (Sustainability):   By 2023,
                                             policy,  laid  its  core  foundations  on these   improve cybersecurity preparedness of
        For  a  moment, let  us  disconnect digital   important goals and the targets of focus.   countries, with key capabilities: presence
        transformation  from the  demands  of the   These are reflected in every strategic and   of strategy, national  computer incident/
        pandemic and understand its core purpose.   innovation step  Omantel takes  towards   emergency response teams and legislation
        The ITU states that digital transformation   digital transformation, powered by the   Omantel’s success:  Relying  on its well-
        is  a  means  to  deliver  an  efficient,   government’s dedication to deliver services   established  ecosystem, ICT  solutions,
        accountable,  transparent,  and auditable   and  solutions  in  a  coordinated,  efficient   high ability to manage its digital services
        way to the benefit of all. It implies applying   and equitable manner.  Omantel has, as   and monitor data  centres as  well as  its
        and/or updating  the technology  we use   the ITU professes, continued  to leverage   regional and global  partnerships with
        and creating a  culture that  embraces   telecommunications/ICTs  by  developing   top companies in  cybersecurity,  Omantel
        new digital technologies that improve the   digital policies and strategies to adapt and   has boosted cybersecurity  and lowered
        efficiency  and  effectiveness  of  people  in   respond timely and effectively to different   potential attacks.  Furthermore, Omantel
        their daily life and business.  As a leading   challenges that may occur.   has launched  a round-the-clock cyber
        ITU  member,  Omantel  has  exemplified                                  defence centre that uses AI to respond to
        these through its offerings in ordinary and   Target 1.4 (Growth): By 2023, all countries   security incidents. These efforts and more
        challenging times as it has been a proactive   adopt a digital agenda/strategy  have been recognised by the GSMA, which
        party  to  the Union’s  shared global vision   Omantel’s  success:  Oman  has  a  robust   called Omantel a case study on combatting
        where telecommunications/ICTs  enable   digital policy in place with relevant legis-  cybersecurity and electronic piracy.
        and accelerate  social, economical and   lation. Omantel’s strategic  manoeuvres
        environmentally  sustainable growth and   in terms of technology and infrastructure   Target  3.5 (Sustainability):  By 2023,
        development for everyone.            through the years have brought the coun-  all countries should  have a National
        Be  it  customer  service, infrastructure   try’s digitisation drive this far in terms of   Emergency  Telecommunication  Plan  as
        expansion  or nation-building activity,   connectivity and internet access.  part of their national and local disaster risk
        Omantel has been pushing the boundaries
        of innovation through  ICT-led initiatives
        that create a fertile ground for the socio-
        economic  ecosystem  to  flourish.  These
        initiatives are shaping  Oman’s  future on
        the anvil of ICT technology, knowledge, and
        Speaking on the WTISD and its 2021 theme,
        Talal  Said Al Mamari, Chief  Executive of
        Omantel said,  Omantel’s actions are not
        just linked to Oman’s overall growth, and
        the ITU global vision and working towards
        objectives of the UN Decade of Action to
        achieve the United Nations' 2030 Agenda
        for Sustainable Development  and its  17
        Sustainable  Development  Goals (SDGs).
        Omantel  shares  common  strategy with
        ITU members, which is the Connect 2030
        Agenda  for Global Telecommunication/

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