Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 63



        Omantel Goals in Sync with ITU’s

        As ITU marks the ‘World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on
        May 17, Omantel reflects on the 2021 theme and how it is supporting the big

        digital transformation

        Over the last  two decades,  digital transformation  has been   Oman,  too  like leading  countries,  has
        expanding  gradually to become the mainstay  of evolving
        economies embracing the power of connectivity and its future-  learned and evolved a lot since early 2020
        centric solutions.. This vital transformation was slowly but steadily   and accelerated its pace to stay ahead of
        redesigning  and  restructuring  how  cities,  offices,  businesses,   the digitization curve, enabled by Omantel.
        hospitals, schools, and people function. The digital change was
        blossoming around in measured, calculated steps, surprising us   2021  Omantel will proudly  join  900-plus
        all as it grew around us, with its efficacy and efficiency, focusing on   members in celebrating  the  International
        enhanced customer experience, virtualization, cost optimisation,
        besides better citizen engagement, services and productivity.  Telecommunication  Union’s ‘World  Telec-
                                                                  ommunication and Information Society Day
        Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, suddenly disrupting the pace,
        but at  the same time, demanding it  to be quick. The year is   (WTISD)’, observed annually every May 17
        2021 when the world is still grappling with the global pandemic,   since  1969  to mark the  Union’s founding
        but better  equipped  digitally to enable  smooth  functioning  of   and  the  signing  of  the  first  International
        economies, despite hurdles the virus may create. Oman, too like
        leading countries, has learned and evolved a lot since early 2020   Telegraph Convention in 1865.
        and accelerated its pace to stay ahead of the digitization curve,
        enabled  by  Omantel.  2021  Omantel  will  proudly join 900-plus   The past year set the tone for deciding the 2021 WTISD theme –
        members  in celebrating  the International  Telecommunication   “Accelerating Digital Transformation in Challenging Times” as the
        Union’s ‘World Telecommunication and Information Society Day   COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the critical role of information and
        (WTISD)’, observed annually every  May  17  since 1969  to  mark   communication technologies (ICTs) for the continued functioning
        the  Union’s  founding  and  the  signing  of  the  first  International   of societies.
        Telegraph Convention in 1865.
                                                               Omantel has been  an active member  of the ITU, exchanging
                                                               and sharing  industry best practices  as  well as  experiences
                                                               with  global  powerhouses  in  the  field  of  telecommunications  to
                                                               build on its presence, service delivery and solutions suites. Like
                                                               all reputed ITU members, it has shaped the future of ICT using
                                                               frontier technologies like Big Data, 5G, Internet of Things, Artificial
                                                               Intelligence, multimedia, smart cities, and much more.

                                                               Omantel, has remained a strong ally in Oman’s war against the
                                                               pandemic on all fronts, opening wide, doors of possibilities through
                                                               its ICT offerings to all sectors of the economy, from education and
                                                               healthcare to large enterprises and SMEs. It has ensured business
                                                               continuity, thus helping the economy brace against the effects of
                                                               the pandemic.  The 2021  WTISD and its  theme  resonate  deeply
                                                               with  Omantel  as  the Company has  demonstrated  resilience,
                                                               technical capability, business acumen and its humane side in the
                                                               face of challenging times.

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