Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 65


        reduction strategies                 and network evolution,  it created  a   their needs, Omantel creates value-based
        Omantel’s success: Oman has  faced   multidimensional  digital  ecosystem  and   solutions. To meet the Government  of
        several emergencies resulting mainly from   is a partner of choice for businesses and   Oman’s goals, Omantel offers network
        cyclones,  which had the risk  of  throwing   international carriers.    coverage and quality, digital inclusion, new
        communication  out of gear.  Omantel’s                                   products  and services, ICT  infrastructure
        national emergency  telecommunication   Its revolutionary pilot projects showcasing   investment,  privacy,  data security,
        preparedness  action plan has  ensured   the versatility of 5G are delivering excellent   governance,  and  regulatory  compliance
        uninterrupted services even in the toughest   results in several sectors.  It  has stepped   solutions.  Its  role  has expanded  multi-
        of situations in the past, and currently in   up to fill the gaps in learning, healthcare,   fold in  the wake of the pandemic,  with
        the face of the pandemic.            customer satisfaction, COVID-19 protocols   demand  for new services, which have
                                             with  AI  and the Internet of Things “IoT”.   been  successfully  met.  , Omantel brings
        Target 4.1  (Innovation):  By 2023,  all   With  the  power  of 5G  in  its  hands, it  is   competitive  pricing,  new  products
        countries  should have policies/strategies   ready to  implement frontier technologies   and services,  market leadership,  and
        fostering  telecommunication/ICT-centric   to make processes simpler life easier.   operational  excellence  to shareholders.
        innovation                                                               Omantel’s  most  important  stakeholders,
        Omantel’s success: Fostering a culture of   Target  5.1 (Partnership):  By 2023,   its customers, benefit from the company’s
        innovation is  embedded  in every  policy,   increased effective  partnerships with   excellent  service, unmatched  coverage,
        strategy, or service Omantel  rolls out.   stakeholders  and  cooperation  with  pocket-friendly bundles,  privacy  and
        Omantel is playing a silent part in creating   other  organization  and entities  in the   much more.  Its telecom affiliates benefit
        an  entire  generation of  innovative  minds,   telecommunication/ICT environment  from great supply chain management and
        which will  be the flag bearers  to the   Omantel’s  success:  The  need  for  prudent ICT infrastructure investment. The
        generations that follow. Omantel has, since   partnerships among different stakeholders   Company’s employees are at the core of its
        its inception, collaborating with the best in   has  been recognized in Millennium   operations,  driving  its success.  Omantel
        the industry for its growth and also with   Development  Goals and Sustainable   gives back to them through training, health
        inspirers in academia, youth, business and   Development  Goals  (SDGs). Omantel has   and safety measures, and engagement
        governance to offer tech-based support as   been  enhancing  cooperation  between   activities, thus encouraging  a  learning,
        well as funding that will result in a digitally-  governments,  business communities, UN   development and growth culture. Omantel
        driven and knowledge-based society that   bodies, civil society and other stakeholders   invests in community initiatives in ways
        optimally harnesses the  power  of ICT   in these challenging times.     that  promote growth and foster  a  digital
        and creates opportunities for accelerated                                culture.
        growth. It has been empowering students,   Omantel’s stakeholders include customers,
        corporates, SMEs by sharing its skill and   industry peers, regulators, and employees,   Overall, Omantel’s goals are in sync with
        resources. Enabling efficient infrastructure   and the  community.  By  understanding   those  of ITU as it works tirelessly and
                                                                                 efficiently in reinforcing the capabilities of
                                                                                 digital strategies  and other  technology-
                                                                                 driven initiatives.  It  has been  capitalizing
                                                                                 on every opportunity the Fourth Industrial
                                                                                 Revolution  offers and facing every
                                                                                 challenge while ensuring a smooth digital
                                                                                 transformation with  minimal  disruption.
                                                                                 As an enabler, Oman has the means to
                                                                                 achieve Oman’s digital aspirations with
                                                                                 key elements like skill, infrastructure, and
                                                                                 market leadership  to aid  this task.  Thus,
                                                                                 with pride,  Omantel wears the title of an
                                                                                 innovative enabler, a strategic leader in ICT.

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