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Elisa launches first 5G phone subscriptions via standalone network in Finland

Elisa, the Finnish telecommunications titan, is about to redefine connectivity. As of February 8, they're offering the first 5G phone subscriptions via a standalone network in Finland.

This pioneering move comes after Elisa's successful deployment of a 5G standalone network in 2021. The new subscriptions promise enhanced connection quality, slashed latency, and extended battery life.

A Leap into the Future

Elisa's trailblazing initiative marks a significant stride in the global telecom landscape. The initial compatible devices include Samsung S23 and A34 phones, with more on the horizon.

The 5G standalone network, poised to blanket over 92% of Finland's population, signifies a monumental shift in digital infrastructure.

The Global 5G Standalone Network Surge

Elisa's move resonates with the worldwide trend of embracing 5G Standalone (SA) networks. Currently, 115 operators across 52 countries are investing in public 5G SA networks.

The number of announced 5G SA devices has skyrocketed to 1,750 in July 2023, backed by 86 announced modems and chipsets. This growth trajectory underscores the burgeoning demand for advanced telecom solutions.

Private Networks Embracing 5G SA

The adoption of 5G SA technologies extends beyond public networks. 66 organizations are already working with 5G SA for private networks, signaling its versatile applications.

As we stand on the brink of a 5G revolution, Elisa's initiative sets the stage for a transformed digital future.

February 15, 2024, marks a new chapter in Finland's telecom narrative. With Elisa's 5G standalone network, users can expect an unparalleled connectivity experience.

Improved Connection Quality: Elisa's 5G standalone network promises a more stable and reliable connection, ensuring seamless communication and data transfer.

Reduced Latency: Users can anticipate up to 50% reduction in latency, leading to faster response times and smoother user experiences.

Enhanced Battery Life: Devices connected to the 5G standalone network are expected to enjoy 15-20% longer battery life, offering greater convenience for users on the go.

As the world hurtles towards a future dominated by the Internet of Things (IoT), Elisa's 5G standalone network paves the way for a seamlessly connected ecosystem.

Elisa's commitment to innovation, evident in their introduction of the first 5G phone subscriptions via a standalone network, positions them as frontrunners in the global telecom race.

With the 5G standalone network now covering more than 92% of Finland's population, the country is well-prepared to harness the potential of next-generation digital technologies.
