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Jordan rises to 4th in Arab internet speeds: OOKLA

Jordan has ascended to fourth place in the Arab world's internet speed rankings, as per the globally recognized "OOKLA" platform that gauge’s internet speeds

According to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, Jordan's regional ranking has risen to fourth, and it now holds the 42nd spot globally in terms of the average speed of fixed internet services, Hala News reported. These encompass various forms of fixed internet, including fiber optics, wide broadband FBWA, and ADSL.

The commission added that in the previous month of July, Jordan achieved an average speed of 94 megabits per second for fixed internet connections.

Furthermore, it elucidated that this average speed is projected to continue its upward trajectory, primarily driven by a surge in private internet subscriptions, particularly in fiber optic services. This trend is especially pronounced in areas where fiber optic services have been newly established, with a focus on the central region's provinces.
