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stc sponsors GUST’s ‘Ocean Plastic Week’

Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers, enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, announced that it was the official sponsor of ‘Ocean Plastic Week’ organized by the PR Club at the Gulf University of Science and Technology. The initiative aimed to spread awareness on the importance of recycling and included a Guinness World Record for the largest word made using bottle caps. stc’s participation and sponsorship of this initiative reflecting its care for the environment falls in line with its key CSR pillars.

Bearing the tagline “#Be_the_change”, Ocean Plastic Week included several displays that were created by students from plastic items that were found while cleaning up different beaches around Kuwait. The displays helped showcase the amount of plastic that was collected and how important it is to preserve the environment for the future generation. Aside from the plastic bottles that were collected, the PR Club broke a Guinness World Record for the largest bottle cap word, which included 94,012 bottle caps that spelled out ‘Kuwait’ in Arabic letters. stc’s sponsorship reflects the Company’s keenness to support the younger generation, especially when it’s toward a good cause such as spreading awareness on the environment.

As part of its sponsorship, stc participated in several events throughout GUST’s Ocean Plastic Week. The events were organized by the PR Club to educate students on the impact of recycling. During event, stc held interactive and entertaining activities with the students and participants and distributed smart devices to the winners. stc, alongside other sponsors, each played a key role in supporting the students at GUST as they broke the Guinness World Record and decorated the university with large displays made out of plastic bottles.

Commenting on the initiative, Danah AlJasem, General Manager of Corporate Communications at stc said, “As a digital leader, stc recognizes its responsibility to support initiatives that promote environment sustainability and awareness. Our sponsorship of 'Ocean Plastic Week' aligns with our corporate social responsibility strategy to make a lasting and impactful change. It was an honor to participate in this initiative which educated students on the impact of recycling and supported their efforts to break a Guinness World Record for a good cause. We are proud to have played a key role in supporting the Gulf University of Science and Technology’s PR Club and students in their commitment to preserving the environment for future generations. These initiatives reflect stc's willingness in reinforcing the importance of preserving the environment and its belief that businesses must take an active role in addressing environmental challenges.”

In addition, stc highlighted its active participation in various campaigns that promote environmental awareness, including World Environment Day in collaboration with National Geographic Ultimate Explorer, beach and desert cleanups, as well as stc’s collaboration with Omniya on several past projects and other initiatives focusing primarily on conserving and recycling plastic to promote sustainable living. Through these efforts, stc is emphasizing the importance of creating a more sustainable future and encouraging a culture of responsibility towards the environment among its customers and employees.

AlJasem concluded, “On behalf of stc, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who organized, sponsored, and participated in this unique initiative. stc strongly believes that it is only through collective efforts that we can make a meaningful impact on the world and preserve our precious environment for the future generations. We are committed to spreading a positive impact on the communities where we operate and to fostering a culture of sustainability and responsibility in our various initiatives.”

To find out more about stc’s events, promotions, and sponsorships, follow stc’s official social media platforms, visit one of stc’s branches, download mystc mobile application, visit or contact the customer service center by dialing 102 for around the clock assistance.

Source: Press Release