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Applications being accepted for first ITU Academy Training Centres

​​Applications are being accepted for the first group of ITU Academy Training Centres, part of a flagship programme by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to build professional capacity with information and communication technologies across the globe.

The ITU Academy Training Centres (ATC) programme succeeds the Centres of Excellence programme, one of ITU's top training initiatives for more than two decades. Up to 12 centres will initially be selected and become operational in 2023.

The deadline for submitting expressions of interest for the first application round is 25 November 2022.

“Information and communication technologies form the foundation of our economies and are fundamen​tal for business and national growth," said Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General of ITU. “We anticipate high interest in the ITU Academy Training Centres programme to help develop the public and private sector professionals that will drive digital transformation across the world."

A focus on development

The ITU Academy Training Centres will be core partners with ITU in capacity development to strengthen technical skills and proficiency with digital technologies, particularly in developing countries. The programme, working through these participating training institutions, aims to deliver high-quality courses reflecting the geographical diversity and needs of ITU's membership.

Institutions joining the ATC programme must deliver a minimum of two courses each year on critical areas of digital development tailored to local and regional needs.

Priority topics in the training of intermediate-level and senior-level personnel include policy and regulation, network infrastructure, spectrum management, cybersecurity, digital inclusion, and digital services.

Most courses will be conducted online through ITU's e-learning platform, the ITU Academy. Hybrid and face-to-face courses will also be possible, enabling local institutions and trainees a range of ways to benefit from ITU's broad base of knowledge and expertise.

The benefits of becoming an ITU Academy Training Centre

Thousands of information and communication technology (ICT) professionals worldwide – over 70 per cent of them from developing countries – already benefit from courses offered through ITU's capacity development activities. The ITU Academy Training Centres programme will build on ITU's strengths, capabilities and established partnerships by delivering a high-quality training programme for the ITU membership.

ITU will offer free use of its ITU Academy e-learning platform, as well as access to content, course materials, a database of experts, and other benefits. Centres will also be able to engage with 30,000 platform users, representing ICT ministries, regulatory authorities, businesses and international agencies across the world.

“By participating in the ITU Academy Training Centres programme, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to high-quality capacity development for all," said Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of ITU's Telecommunication Development Bureau and ITU's Secretary-General-elect. “ITU looks forward to working with those institutions that take on this opportunity. Together, we can expand outreach to digital professionals in developing countries and work toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals."

ATC selection criteria

Selection criteria for the first group of centres include institutional quality and capacity, expertise in the programme's priority themes, and the commitment to programme development and working with ITU and other ATC partners. Prospective centres must also show a viable business model for marketing and delivery of the programme.

The selected ITU Academy Training Centres will be announced at the beginning of 2023.
