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Robi leans on green power to ease pressure on national grid

In line with the government’s austerity measures, Robi has recently adopted a policy to lean on green power to ease pressure on the national electricity grid.

This visionary policy has made Robi the first telecom operator in Bangladesh to introduce tower-mounted solar solutions to power our telecom equipment, reads a press release.

Robi is powering more than 1,600 of its BTSs with solar power. The total power generation from these solar-powered BTSs amount to 8.4MW. Besides, Robi has recently installed solar energy panels that are able to produce 10KW electricity to power the Robi Corporate Office.

With a view to ensuring optimized use of electricity, Robi management has designated Sunday as the day for working from home for its employees. The measure comes into effect on August 1.

In order to achieve maximum energy savings, electricity, generator and lift facilities will remain unavailable on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. During these days, transport facilities for Robi employees will also remain unavailable in order to maximize fuel savings.

Robi has embraced its parent company, Axiata’s “Advancing to Net Zero” initiative and is on course to achieve 55% carbon reduction by 2030 and attain “Net Zero” by 2050.

Against this backdrop, Robi is embracing innovative approaches to sustainably de-carbonize the sector and the broader economy, through wide-scale adoption of green telecom.
