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UAE’s IEEE announces launch of Arab IoT & AI Challenge in Morocco

United Arab Emirates: In continuation of its constructive efforts in Revealing young talents in Arab countries To contribute effectively to strengthening the pillars of sustainable development, IEEE in cooperation with IEEE TEMS and Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship Company announced today the launching of Arab IoT & AI Challenge in 11 Arab Countries: Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Qatar, Palestine, Oman, Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain and Algeria, With the participation of a group of Arab universities, civil society institutions and government authorities concerned with consolidating digital solutions and applications in achieving Arab visions towards digital transformation.

The Challenge is held in strategic partnership with Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Eitesal NGO in Egypt, Future Institute in Algeria, University of Bahrain, INTAJ Association in Jordan, IEEE Lebanon, IEEE Morocco, IEEE Ensias Student Branch, University of Technology and Applied Sciences in Oman, Al-Nayzak Organization in Palestine, University of Qatar, Innovation City in Tunisia, and IEEE UAE.

Dr. Eesa Bastaki, President of the University of Dubai, stressed the importance of the university’s keenness on the strategic partnership with the Scientific Society of IEEE Emirates Branch, a number of prestigious Arab universities, civil society institutions and government authorities interested in achieving digital transformation, pointing out that the development of IoT technology and artificial intelligence requires the consolidation of digital solutions and applications in order to achieve the digital transformation and sustainable economy that Arab societies seek and are working to achieve.

Added that the University of Dubai focuses in its strategy on encouraging innovation and scientific research for its academic staff members and students in all fields and encouraging entrepreneurs from its students to launch their start-up companies in a way that serves the interest, progress and prosperity of society, and contributes to the implementation of the seventh item of the Principles Of 50, which states that the digital, technical and scientific excellence of the UAE will define its new development and economic frontiers, and the solidification of its position as a capital for talent, companies and investments in these sectors will make it the capital of the future.

Eng. Mohamed Aboud, Chair of IEEE TEMS Regional Activities, MENA Region, declared: "We are proud to announce our success in cooperation with elite partners in attracting all young innovations and Arab talents through Arab IoT & AI Challenge. This initiative will unleash the features of the digital future for all Arab countries, and achieve various endeavors from integrating modern technologies and the future of sustainable development Providing a suitable environment for Arab youth to keep pace with the successive changes in the requirements of the labor market and the future of services, and consolidating the role of technology in achieving societal progress."

It is worth mentioning that the Arab IoT & AI Challenge finals will be held during GITEX Technology Week in Dubai next October, after the completion of the local finals for each country separately.

The challenge is being held during 2022 for the sixth year in a row with the participation of more than 5000 participants in 3 main tracks: school students, graduation projects, and start-ups in Arab countries, as the past years, have seen the participation of more than 358 start-ups, 2173 graduation projects, and 516 high school projects.
