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Unique 4G-3G hybrid pico ICS solution to reduce in-building workload

Indoor coverage is a challenge for telcos or system integrators: whether small or medium sites, the work of RF design, device tuning, antenna installation, cable laying, and various passive components must be set in the right correctly to be easily positioned for future maintenance, resulting in continued project maintenance.

Now, Prevail Technology has developed a unique 4G-3G hybrid pico ICS repeater which simplifies installation problem (not in all indoor scenarios, but most sites including 4G/3G systems in VIP rooms, offices, meeting rooms benefit from this solution). ICS (Interference Cancellation System) is a digital technology to improve the isolation of repeater device, therefore, realize both the hybrid system’s donor antenna and service antenna inside one box.

All in One and Plug-and-Play for hybrid systems highlight the advantages of hybrid pico ICS devices. No more antenna installation, no more cabling. “Our 4G/3G hybrid ICS has matured and been massively commercialized in recent years. Now we are also working on the 5G ICS solution,” Steve Hu (CTO of Prevail Technology) comments. “We anticipate massive demand for improved indoor coverage, as 5G macro sites are rolled out.”
