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ProInversion suspends 1700MHz, 2300MHz auction

Peru’s Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment (Agencia de Promocion de la Inversion Privada, ProInversion), which manages the auctioning of spectrum rights in the country, has suspended the sale process for frequencies in the 1700MHz and 2300MHz bands.

ProInversion did not provide a reason for the suspension, simply citing the terms of the bidding rules which allow the agency to suspend the process ‘without giving any cause and without incurring any liability’. As previously reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, ProInversion had altered the timeline for the auction back in August 2021, extending by several months the time allowed for interest parties to submit queries regarding the process.

The concessions on offer comprised a 2×30MHz licence in the 1700MHz band (1750MHz-1780MHz/2150MHz-2180MHz) and 1×30MHz in the 2300MHz band (2300MHz-2330MHz). The winner of the 1700MHz band will be required to provide network coverage of 1,171 rural towns, including at least 118 in the Valley of the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro Rivers (Valle de los Rios Apurimac, Ene y Mantaro, VRAEM) region and in the jungle areas of the country.
