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Onepay becomes Sri Lanka’s first payment gateway to be ISO-certified

Spemai (Pvt) Ltd which launched its mobile payment application- Onepay last year recently obtained ISO 27001 for Security Management- the very first payment gateway in Sri Lanka to have obtained this certification. The certification was obtained by the well-known certification body, Bureau Veritas.

Following the Onepay app which was a success, Spemai launched Onepay payment gateway which was a major step in their business strategy of becoming a one big force in the fin-tech industry locally and globally. Enabling the traditional role of a bank to be facilitated by a third party, Onepay payment gateway has simplified the process for both the merchant and the customer. The payment gateway also removes the hassle of providing bank account details for customers for transactions by replacing them with a common link. “Very often merchants are unable to trace the payment sources and this payment gateway enables a reading of all payments which is very convenient,” says Spemai’s CTO, Salitha Herath.

Implementing a security zone with internationally recognized certification of this nature is envisaged to be garnering multiple benefits, notes Spemai’s CTO. “Our focus is on customer and industry security while enhancing our technology. Almost 80% of the Sri Lankan population is yet to adapt to the latest technology and in order to help them charter this journey from ‘offline’ to ‘online,’ ensuring the security of these online platforms is vital.” Such security measures could protect customers from possible scams and frauds, says Herath.

The ISO certification will offer both customer and merchants of the payment gateway to be confident of a ‘protected environment’ when converting to online platforms. This could attract more users of a platform which could grow with evolving modern technology as well, remarks Herath. “Being an ISO-certified company would require us to align our processes with the best global practices and ethics while exploring new opportunities which include solutions, products and services,” says Herath. He also avers that certification of this nature could help companies to position themselves in such as a way in the market so that an overall positive and a confident mindset is fostered among the staff and stakeholders.

COVID-pandemic has driven many Sri Lankans to adapt to ‘cashless transactions’ using technology. Onepay payment gateway has given it a further thrust, says Co-Founder of Spemai and CEO, Amila Fernando. “Our merchant base has grown to about 500 now comprising largely SME’s and MSMEs. They include food and beverage, education, E-commerce, web development, digital marketing, clothing and hospitality sectors.” The operating model of ‘visibility’ helps Spemai to maintain the highest standards at all times in the best interest of its payment gateway, says Fernando further.
