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SK uses NFC to guide CES visitors to a green future

Visitors to SK Group’s Green Forest Pavilion at this year’s CES consumer electronics show in Las Vegas in the US were able to follow a “Net Zero journey” and access video, audio and augmented reality (AR) content about carbon reduction technologies and the environment.

The Korean tech giant used NFC for the exhibit to “not only help visitors have immersive experiences but also participate in actual carbon reduction” by providing them with a secondhand NFC smartphone and enabling them to earn ‘green points’ on their way through the pavilion that they could then use to earn ‘green rewards’ or donate to a mangrove reforestation project in South East Asia.

Visitors were also encouraged to earn green points by tapping to agree with a video ‘manifesto’ concerning climate change and show their commitment to carbon reduction by pledging to support “daily activities that can be practised easily”.

The exhibit detailed SK’s commitment “to eliminate 200m tons of carbon emissions across its businesses by 2030. That’s about 1% of the reduction needed to reach global targets.”

“To reach the group target, SK companies plan to invest US$85bn in environmentally friendly businesses,” the company adds.
