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Orange Jordan and the German Development Cooperation inaugurate the 8th Orange Digital Center in the Middle East and Africa

Orange ( and the German Development Cooperation are inaugurating an “Orange Digital Center” in Amman, a digital ecosystem entirely dedicated to the development of digital skills and innovation to train young people in digital technology and enhance their employability. The event brings together government and administrative authorities of Jordan, representatives of Germany and France in Jordan, GIZ Jordan as an implementing partner, and members of the group’s board of directors and executive committee. Orange headed by its Chairman and CEO Stéphane Richard.

After Tunisia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Mali, Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Egypt, it is in Amman, Jordan, that this new Orange Digital Center is inaugurated.

Spread over 630 m², the Orange Digital Center in Jordan brings together three strategic programs of the Orange group, namely; a coding school, solidarity FabLab – one of the digital fabrication workshops of the Orange Foundation -, and a Orange Fab (BIG by Orange) start-up accelerator, supported by Orange Ventures Africa, the investment fund.

All programs are free and open to everyone. They range from digital training for young people, 90% of which are practical, the acceleration of start-ups, and support for project and investment leaders.

In addition, Orange Jordan and the Ministry of Youth have agreed to establish an Orange Digital Center club at Zarqa Youth Club, as well as another Orange Digital Center Club in cooperation with the Jordanian German University, thus completing the education system for give as many people as possible access to new technologies and help them take full advantage of these technologies.

Working in a network, the Orange Digital Centers allow the sharing of experiences and expertise between countries and offer a simple and inclusive approach to improve the employability of young people, encourage innovative entrepreneurship and promote the local digital ecosystem.

Orange and the German Development Cooperation are working together within the framework of a development partnership within the develoPPP program, which the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and of Development (BMZ). The objective is to realize their common vision, to promote the employability of young people while supporting sustainable growth and the digital transformation of the country. The program also works to advance gender equality and inclusion by promoting the access of women and girls to ICT jobs.

Using digital technology, this program focuses on the following sustainable development goals, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: (4) quality education, (5) gender equality, ( 8) decent work and economic growth, (9) industry, innovation and infrastructure, (10) reducing inequalities and (17) partnerships for goals.

Stéphane Richard, Chairman and CEO of Orange, says: “Orange acts as a responsible company in all of its activities. This sense of responsibility is a central value that has been placed at the heart of the Group’s strategic plan, Engage 2025. In order to promote digital services as a vector of inclusion and to make them accessible to as many people as possible, we want to open an Orange Digital Center in all the countries where we are present by 2025. This ambition clearly demonstrates our desire to harness the positive force of digital innovation.

Alioune Ndiaye, Chairman and CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, said: “I am very proud to inaugurate the eighth Orange Digital Center in Amman today. This new Orange Digital Center is part of a network of 32 Orange Digital Centers which will be deployed not only in Africa and the Middle East, but also in Europe. The main objective is to democratize access to digital technology for young people – graduates or not – by giving them access to the latest technological trends to strengthen their employability and prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.

Bernhard Kampmann, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Jordan Remarks: “The Orange Digital Center contributes to Jordan’s digital transformation while creating local employment opportunities for young people. It shows the commitment of Germany and Europe to promote inclusive and human-centered digitization around the world.

Elizabeth Tchoungui, Executive Director CSR, Diversity and Sponsorship of Orange, Vice-President of the Orange Foundation adds: “This major project is a key step in our social responsibility for digital inclusion, in particular for young people and women. The Solidarity Fablab, the flagship program of the Orange Foundation, is an essential building block of this socially useful action, by allowing beneficiaries without access to digital tools to reconnect with the professional world: the start of a beautiful journey which, through development of technical skills and by the complementarity of the devices deployed, goes as far as the creation of companies. “

Thierry Marigny, CEO of Orange Jordan commented : “Being here today is a testament to our commitment to our role as a responsible digital leader and partner of the Kingdom in the digital transformation. The programs that we implement with the support of our partners help us achieve our goals by empowering young people and giving them keys to improve their digital skills in order to support their employability chances and contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. in Jordan.

Orange is present in 18 countries in Africa and the Middle East and had more than 130 million customers as of September 30, 2021. With 5.8 billion euros in sales in 2020, Orange MEA is the leading hub for growth of the Orange group. Orange Money, its flagship mobile money transfer and financial services offer, is available in 17 countries and has more than 50 million customers. Orange, a multi-service operator, a key partner in digital transformation, brings its expertise to support the development of new digital services in the Middle East and Africa.
