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Vodafone TV taps Kaltura for cloud TV expansion

As it eyes up potential in new markets for its multi-tenant Cloud TV service which currently has nine operations serving over two million subscribers worldwide, Vodafone TV has called upon video experience cloud provider Kaltura to support the expansion.

Germany is Vodafone TV’s most recent launch and the service is available nationally, accessible to users in all of Vodafone’s networks and in Unitymedia’s cable network. The service was launched in Germany in February 2021 and is offered under the brand GigaTV. The German launch follows earlier Vodafone TV launches in Hungary and Czech Republic in 2020. The service is also live in Romania, Portugal, Greece, New Zealand, Spain and Italy.

Vodafone has deployed the Kaltura TV platform since 2014 to support its multi-country, telco-grade TV service. Kaltura says its TV platform enables Vodafone to launch TV services efficiently and quickly within its territories, whether migrating from legacy systems, using hybrid networks or launching greenfield operations. It added that with a single, cloud-based system, upgrades and new features can be introduced across the global Vodafone TV service in a unified way, swiftly and smoothly becoming available to all markets, all enabled by Kaltura technology.

“Seven years ago, we selected Kaltura as our Cloud TV partner because its vision of innovation fits perfectly with ours; together we’ve built a Cloud TV platform that combines the best of OTT and pay-TV into a single service,” explained Wolfgang Zeller, Vodafone Group head of video. “The flexibility, agility and scalability of Kaltura’s future-ready TV Platform is enabling Vodafone TV to reap all the advantages of being a single, cloud-based service available in many markets around the world via a range of network architectures and across devices.”
