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China's fastest family broadband service debuts in Shanghai

China Telecom introduced an upgraded 2 Gbps family broadband service in Shanghai, giving the city the fastest broadband network in the nation.

The new broadband, double the current highest bandwidth, offers consumers services like full-house connections, remote and artificial intelligence-based medical care and health care, and high-definition digital entertainment content. It also boosts the city's digital transformation strategy, industry officials said.

It's the latest update for Shanghai to speed up digital infrastructure, following the city's upgrade to 1Gbps broadband network coverage in 2018.

Two Gbps is the peak bandwidth carriers can offer, while consumers can still choose the packages they want.

China Telecom will offer free upgrades to some loyal consumers. By the end of 2022, more than 40 percent of its users will have broadband networks with 1 Gbps or above, China Telecom's Shanghai branch said on Friday.

The upgraded network service helps Shanghai boost digital transformation, covering smart home, digital health care and intelligent transportation systems in the city, local officials said.

Also during the conference, Shanghai Telecom and SenseTime signed a deal on digital medical cooperation to boost AI applications in Shanghai and nationwide.

The partnership not only covers top hospitals, but also many grassroots hospitals in communities and rural regions. It gives more people access to digital medical services, said Zhang Shaoting, SenseTime's vice president.

More than 6,000 hospitals and medical organizations are using China Telecom's cloud services. The cooperation with SenseTime will bring them more innovations and AI capabilities, both sides said.
