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Nigerian regulator hints at big plans for 2022

The Nigerian regulator has announced what it calls strategic plans to boost the country’s telecommunications sector in the coming year.

In fact the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has unveiled two key documents tat aim to strengthen the telecommunications sector and enhance the nation’s drive to boost its digital economy in 2022.

This development was apparently the result of a three-day 2021 Board and Management Retreat organised by the commission in the Nigerian capital Abuja.

The two key documents are the Strategic Management Plan (SMP), 2020-2024, and the Strategic Vision Plan (SVP), 2021-2025. The SVP is described as a streamlined version of the SMP.

The inspirations for the SMP appear to have been the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy 2020-2030, the Nigerian National Broadband Plan 2020-2025 and the Federation Government’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan.

According to a statement from the NCC, reported in the Nigerian publication Leadership, the objective of the SVP is to enhance regulatory focus and efficiency in the delivery of NCC’s mandates.

Reports also say that the SVP has five central visions, though these do not appear to have been revealed, unlike its three supporting documents, which are described as: implementation strategies and timelines; monitoring and evaluation framework; and implementation responsibility matrix.

Will this help the NCC in its aim of innovating its way towards addressing industry challenges militating against the consolidation of the growth of telecommunications sector? One hopes so – but first we’ll have to see exactly what targets it has set itself.
