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Commsworld, Alncom rural England telecoms push

A Scottish network provider has announced a cross-Border link-up to provide infrastructure including for cottage and “table-top” industries in rural England.

Commsworld said it is partnering with countryside broadband expert Alncom to transform digital networks and infrastructure in Northumberland.

The Edinburgh-headquartered company, which says it is the UK’s largest independent network provider, is joining forces with the Alnwick-based firm to offer businesses and organisations in the remotest areas “significantly enhanced broadband connectivity, bandwidth and resilience”.

Commsworld said this would be achieved by providing access to its nationwide optical core network, with connections to superfast 10 Gigabit connectivity directly to premises.

Last year it completed the build of its full-fibre internet connectivity to rural towns and villages in Renfrewshire as part of infrastructure being delivered through a £15 million “connectivity as a service” framework contract.
