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Kacific launches new broadband service

Kacific Broadband Satellites is working to bring a new internet service dedicated to businesses in the markets where it operates. It is launching a service called GigWiFi, a service that aims to combine the best of Kacific’s Gigstarter and Community WiFi services, allowing businesses to connect office workers to a head office local area network (LAN), while providing internet services to the surrounding community needing remote access to a Wi-Fi service, all from a single terminal.

GigWiFi aims to be Kacific’s most efficient solution for those needing high-speed broadband targeted to agricultural, manufacturing and tourism businesses, government agencies and others. It is designed to work for hybrid workplaces that need both both LAN and Wi-Fi access, but do not want the cost involved with operating two terminals. Under this new, businesses can connect up to seven office staff on a Gigstarter plan and provide monitored Wi-Fi access to workers in fields, warehouses, and yards at the same time.

“GigWiFi is in line with Kacific’s core purpose, to make fast affordable broadband available everywhere. It combines the best of two popular plans, Gigstarter and Community WiFi, so customers can enjoy the benefits of high-speed internet and unlimited data for less in all parts of their workplace,” Beatrice Mok, Kacific’s Marketing Director said in a statement.

Kacific is based in Singapore and serves South East Asia and the Pacific Islands regions.
