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Vodafone Romania expands 4G coverage during the pandemic

Between March 2020 and June 2021, Vodafone Romania expanded the coverage of the mobile network with over 700 4G stations, ensuring the connection to voice and mobile data services for approximately 150,000 inhabitants from 158 localities in rural areas. Currently, Vodafone provides coverage with communications services for 96% of the rural population, allowing access to voice and mobile data services for some of the most isolated communities in Romania. In the same period of time, Vodafone extended its high-quality fixed network through new developments or extensions of the existing ones to 21,000 households in rural areas, a press release issued by the company informs.

„The digitalization of Romania means equal access to digital infrastructure and services for both urban and rural residents. Connecting rural communities, including the most isolated ones, is essential for the development of the society as a whole, by bridging the digital divide, eliminating inequities, creating development opportunities and ensuring equal chances for a better digital future for citizens and businesses in these areas. One of the pillars of our mission is precisely this ambition to contribute to the creation of a society where no one is left behind. Therefore, one of our priorities in achieving this goal is to expand Vodafone networks, especially in those areas where communications services have not yet reached. We rely on the most performant mobile data network in Romania and on a high quality fixed network to ensure access to communication services for these isolated communities also”, Cătălin Buliga, Chief Network Officer Vodafone România and Head of Networks Development for Europe Cluster Markets stated.

The expansion and improvement of the digital connectivity of rural areas are key components for achieving the objectives of the Digital Decade as stated by the European Commission. According to Deloitte’s Rural Connection report commissioned by Vodafone Group, rural digitalization, enabled by better rural connectivity, will support SMEs and rural entrepreneurship that can drive income and employment opportunities for local community members; will ensure access to high quality infrastructure, health and education services; will enable an inclusive society that does not leave anyone behind by providing opportunities to fully participate in economic, social and cultural life to all of its members; and last but not least will ensure a sustainable development and low carbon economy by decoupling economic growth from resource usage.

Three years after launching the first 5G network in Romania, Vodafone has been recognized as the most reliable 5G network, with highest mobile score on data performance.

The recognition of the performance of the mobile data services offered by Vodafone Romania was granted following comparative measurements performed on all mobile networks in Romania by the independent auditor umlaut, this spring. This is the seventh recognition for Vodafone Romania’s mobile network following the measurement campaigns carried out by umlaut.

In addition to significant investments in expanding the coverage of 4G services in rural areas and 5G services in urban areas, Vodafone Romania is investing in expanding its fixed-line network, television and telephony and to improve the quality of fixed internet service. Between March 2020 and June 2021, Vodafone extended its high-quality fixed network through new developments and extensions of existing networks providing access to its internet services to 21,000 households in rural areas.

Vodafone Supernet Fibre offers internet speeds of up to 1Gbps, a stable connection and the best Wi-Fi experience in Romania through the Super Wi-Fi router.

Vodafone Romania has launched „Visuri împlinite acasă”. The documentary broadcast on TV and available on YouTube presents the real story of the inhabitants of Drăghești, Busești and Cerna-Vârf in Mehedinți County. In the midst of the pandemic, at the beginning of 2021, the situation was more and more delicate for them: school classes with physical presence were canceled, and the connection with relatives or medical services was almost impossible. Vodafone Romania’s teams of engineers have developed and implemented in record time a fixed and a mobile network to provide electronic communications services at standards similar to the urban area for these localities. Tens of kilometers of fiber optic cables, electronic communications equipment, a dedicated tower for 4G mobile services have been installed in very inaccessible areas. Thus, since March this year, the inhabitants of these localities have been able to benefit from fixed and mobile services at similar standards to the urban area in order to attend online school classes, but also to be able to keep in touch with their loved ones, hundreds of kilometers away.
