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MTC enables unlicensed access to the 6 GHz band in Peru

Peru’s Ministry of Transport and Communications (Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones or MTC) has modified its National Frequency Attribution Plan enabling unlicensed access to the 6 GHz band (1,200 MHz) in Peru.

Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA) welcomed the decision of the government saying that the measure ordered by MTC "will benefit millions of Peruvians and will also boost the country's economy."

DSA is an international organization that advocates for regulations that lead to the use of the most efficient radio spectrum for the benefit of consumers. and companies, whose members include leaders in the technological world such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Cisco, among others.

The new legislation has earmarked 470MHz-698MHz spectrum in the so-called TV White Space (TVWS) band to boost rural broadband coverage. In addition, 1200MHz of spectrum in the 26GHz millimetre wave (mmWave) band has been allocated for future 5G use.

Finally, 1200MHz of spectrum in the 5925MHz-7125MHz (6GHz) band has been identified for unlicensed Wi-Fi 6E access.

Martha Suarez, President of the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA) said: “Due to the extensive usage on almost every aspect of our lives today such as remote education, work, and commerce, the MTC decision to dedicating more spectrum to Wi-Fi over 6 GHz effectively supports the modern digital ecosystem. Unlicensed access to the whole 6 GHz band for Wi-Fi will be critical to allow growing ultra-fast Wi-Fi demands for new applications and new industries.”

DSA indicates that, according to a study published by that entity and Telecom Advisory Services, unlicensed access to the 6 GHz band will add the economic value of US $ 15.83 billion in contribution to GDP, US $ 3.6 billion in producer surplus for Peruvian companies, and the US $ 3.4 billion in consumer surplus for the Peruvian population over the next 10 years. In other words, as a whole, the enabling of 1200 MHz in the 6 GHz band would impact more than the US $ 22 billion on the Peruvian economy.

DSA also celebrates the decision to enable the use of TV White Spaces technologies in the 470 MHz to 698 MHz bands. It establishes the conditions for innovative business models required to provide sustainable broadband Internet access in unserved or underserved areas.
