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Telekom Romania to install charging stations for electric cars

Telekom Romania is the first telecommunications company to install, locally, in several cities in Romania, fast charging stations for electric cars, in line with new trends on the auto market and in response to the increase number of electric vehicles in circulation on the Romanian roads. This is a premiership for the Romanian market, taking in consideration that only several retail and fuel companies have installed such charging stations in their premises.

The largest such project is in Galați, where the mayor’s office has decided to provide an extensive public network of no less than 15 fast charging stations for electric cars, each with 50 kW DC (direct current) and 22 kW AC (alternating current). Each station installed by Telekom will be able to recharge two electric cars or plug-in hybrids at the same time.

The project of the charging stations in the Danube city was won by Telekom Romania following a public tender organized by the City Hall of Galaţi. The duration of the project implementation is seven months, divided into one month for design and six months for execution. The warranty for the work is 60 months. The total value of the contract is 2,180,953 lei + VAT.

The contract was recently signed at the Galați City Hall, the event being attended by Mayor Ionuț-Florin Pucheanu, respectively George Ilie, Smart City manager, and Alexandru Nen (IoT and Smart City Solutions Architect), from Telekom Romania.

“The urban areas account for 75% of the Earth’s demand for energy and carbon, and reducing emissions is a priority for many cities and it is no coincidence that the number of electric vehicles is growing. We are glad that together with the local authorities we have the opportunity to implement solutions that increase the number of charging points and to put Romania on the European map of electro mobility routes”, said Alexandru Nen, IoT and Smart City Solutions Architect within Telekom Romania.

The 15 fast charging stations in Galaţi will be installed on Stadionului Street, at the House of Culture of Trade Unions, in Țiglina I neighbourhood, on Constantin Levaditti Street, on Brailei Street, on Domnească Street (Galați City Hall), on Galați Boulevard, number 4C, on Siderurgiștilor Boulevard, PS2 block, on Constructorilor street (Arcada area parking lot), in the interior parking lot of Rizer park, in Grădina Publică parking lot, on Elena Doamna street, on Brăilei Boulevard – P2 parking lot – three Star area, in the parking lot the ANL high-rise on Feroviarilor Street, in the parking lot related to Corneliu Coposu Park, on Cloșca Street, and in the parking lot of the Botanical Garden, on Unirii Boulevard.

“Today we are taking a new step for a healthy development of our city. Galați must become a green city, and the signing of this contract only proves that, together with reliable partners, we can achieve this goal”, mentioned Ionuț Pucheanu, the Mayor of Galați.

Telekom Romania is also going to install fast charging stations for electric cars in other cities in the country, as a result of winning some tenders organized by the respective City Halls. Thus, in Râmnicu Vâlcea seven fast charging stations will be located, while in Giurgiu four. The projects are ongoing and will be completed in the first half of the year.

In the last four years, Telekom Romania has implemented several Smart City pilot projects in Bucharest, Constanța and Piatra Neamț, which include solutions for parking and intelligent lighting, multifunctional lighting poles (with video surveillance component, electric charging station for vehicles, environmental sensors, LED display), as well as free Wi-Fi.
