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ZICTA calls for applications for block of 800MHz spectrum

A request for applications for additional spectrum in the 800MHz band has been published by the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA). Having previously determined that the frequencies in question are in ‘very high demand’ and as such, subject to ’a restricted granting procedure’, the regulator has confirmed it is offering a 2×10MHz block (801MHz-811MHz/842MHz-852MHz), with a reserve price of USD12.5 million having been set. To be eligible to participate, the ZICTA outlined that applicants must hold an Electronic Communication Network Licence issued by it for ‘International Market Segment’, while they must also not owe the regulator any monies for spectrum or other telecoms licences. Applications for the spectrum have been requested by a deadline of 2 March 2021.

This is the second time in the last six months that ZICTA has offered frequencies in the 800MHz band. As noted in TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database, in September 2020 the watchdog called for applications for a 2×10MHz block of spectrum in the 800MHz band (811MHz-821MHz/852MHz-862MHz). Having set a reserve price of USD12 million for that block of spectrum, in December 2020 it was announced that Airtel had been awarded the frequencies, having agreed to pay USD12.5 million.
