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SpeedChecker Joins SAMENA Council to Extend its Commitment to Improve QoS and Digital Experience in the Region

SpeedChecker Joins SAMENA Council to Extend its Commitment to Improve QoS and Digital Experience in the Region

SAMENA Telecommunications Council has announced that SpeedChecker, specializing in providing Telecom Operators solutions to measure end-users’ internet quality as well as providing insights based on crowdsourcing, has joined its membership.

Expressing his warm welcome to SpeedChecker on joining the Council's community of Telecom Operators, Tech Providers, and specialist firms, Bocar BA, CEO & Board Member stated: "SpeedChecker is playing an important role within the Industry to help end-users obtain a better understanding of how to make their Internet go faster and it empowers both Telecom Operators and Regulators with important insights to improve Internet infrastructure and make it more resilient. As SAMENA Council continues to contribute at both regional and global digital development fronts, the role of its diversified group of Members such as SpeedChecker has become ever more important for assisting in making our digital networks more resilient and more inclusive."

"SpeedChecker is extending its commitment to the Middle East and Northern Africa region by joining SAMENA Council", said, Janusz Jezowicz, CEO of Ireland-based telecom analytics company SpeedChecker. "We are looking forward to participating in SAMENA Council by contributing our insights into the quality of service and quality of experience of mobile operators in the region. With the Middle East Operators at the forefront of 5G investments, we look forward to providing them the next-generation telco analytics platform and data to drive efficient network expansion and improve connectivity for consumers and enterprises in the region."

SAMENA Council believes policies and co-operative approaches can help develop new methods and models of engagement among industry stakeholders, help frame future-friendly regulations and policies. Cross-stakeholder involvement should be fostered to incentivize and influence more investment in digital development, and the role of all digital space players should be given visibility. The digital ecosystem's sustainability challenges and the need for making better use of digital technologies, therefore, demand that the Private Sector, across the regions, collectively communicate on common issues and needs, while benefitting from SAMENA Council's advocacy support in building communication bridges with regional governments.

More about SpeedChecker -


Source: SAMENA Press release