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Orange Morocco chooses Neural Technologies fraud solution to protect revenues

Neural Technologies, a provider of revenue protection and Digital Transformation solutions, is to deliver its Revenue Assurance and Fraud Management solution to Orange Morocco.

The new partnership will help Orange Morocco to detect and prevent fraud in the African and Middle Eastern markets where it serves its 22 million customers.

With nearly three decades of experience in the risk and revenue management fields, Neural Technologies was selected as the solution provider of choice. Yassine Belidri, IT manager Mediation & Provisioning from Orange Morocco says, “Neural’s background and references in the market, very good knowledge of the end users’ needs, and flexible and intuitive interfaces are what put Neural above its competitors.”

Using advanced Orange Morocco Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities, Neural Technologies offers sophisticated fraud detection processes that can adapt to new threats as they arise in real-time before revenue is lost.

“Identifying and quickly responding to fraud is critical to our business to provide a safe and secure service to customers and avoid revenue loss,” adds Belidri from Orange Morocco. “We needed an automated process to detect fraud which is why we selected Neural Technologies’ fraud management solution to identify and prevent fraud in real-time to protect our business. Neural’s technical offer provides the best quality, and its experts are always on hand to offer support and answer questions to meet our needs.”

Ang Liang, COO at Neural Technologies comments, “It is a challenging time for telecommunications providers who are at the forefront of dealing with an increasing number of risks and threats. Dealing with high volumes of new threats requires an automated and intelligent solution that offers the maximum protection to financial systems.”

Neural Technologies Revenue Assurance and Fraud Management solution is already being delivered to Orange Morocco and the full implementation will be complete by March 2021. It will help range Morocco to address frauds such as SMS Spams, payment frauds, SIMBOX and adapt to new sophisticated threats that arise in real-time.
