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Nordic streaming market closes in on 14 million subscriptions

Nordic households are close to adding an additional 3 million streaming subscriptions in the last 12 months.

It follows another year of growth, described by the media consultancy Mediavision as “substantial”. It takes the number of subscriptions in the Nordic market to 13.6 million.

Mediavision attibutes the increase in households taking an increasing number of services, the majority of these are the international streaming services, such as Netflix and Disney+. Mediavision estimates close to to 1.2 million Nordic households have now signed up for Disney+, a household penetration of 10% in the Nordic region.

Disney+’s rapid growth has outperformed all other competitors to date and the service immediately qualifies into the Nordic top-5 list – joining Netflix, Viaplay, HBO Nordic and C More.

The Nordic’s indigenous players have between them added an additional 1.5 million new subscriptions. Each Nordic country has at least one local streaming service, between them accounting for 5.6 million subscriptions. The largest player is Viaplay, partly explained by it being available in all four Nordic countries. Among the strictly domestic services, TV2 Play in Denmark is the largest, followed by TV2 Sumo in Norway.

Nordic households have also increased their spend on paid streaming. The average household now spends €19 per month for an average of 2.1 services in the autumn of 2020. This represents an increase of spend of approximately 10% in one year.

Mediavision’s analysis points toward continued strong growth in the coming months, as households desire for such services is met by an increasing supply of such channels.
