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Telenor Hungary launches fixed internet for medium and large enterprises

Mobile operator Telenor Hungary – owned by PPF Group – has launched fixed internet access services for medium and large enterprise customers.

The new Telenor Hiperline range initially has three options of leased line solutions with symmetric upload and download speeds at between 2Mbps and 1Gbps.

Last-mile connectivity is either via copper, fibre-optic or dedicated wireless connection, while customers are also offered a Mobile PBX service on demand.

The range currently includes: Hiperline Leased Line Service (a managed leased line Ethernet-based [L2] service connecting permanent, fixed endpoints [sites, offices]); Hiperline Leased Line Internet Service (high-speed access, connection to domestic and international internet nodes with individually agreed availability and unlimited data traffic); and the Hiperline IP VPN service (providing an IP-level [L3] private network with a ‘full meshed’ or ‘hub-and-spoke’ topology, depending on the needs of the subscribers, connected via MPLS).
