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Kenya to lay fibre optic connection to South Sudan

The Kenya government announced it will lay 630km of fibre optic between the towns of Eldoret to Nadapal, to deliver high-speed internet services and increase trade in east Africa.

Governor of Turkana county Josphat Nanok said in a tweet residents in the counties of Turkana, West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu, stand to be connected to the internet with the construction of the cable.

“Apart from improving communication, the network will support investments and improve service delivery by the government”, said Nanok.

Kenya ICT Authority CEO Katherine Getao said the project saw support from the ICT ministry, and it is under the Eastern Africa Regional Transport Trade and Development Facilitation project, which aims to boost connectivity in east Africa and ramp up trade between Kenya and South Sudan, reported Kenya News Agency.

“What we are doing is the backbone, it is like the highway and then with other partners we shall do the last mile where we shall connect individual institutions,” added Getao.

The project will cost KSH30 billion ($275 million), reported NTV Kenya.
