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Spark and NNNCo team up to create a roaming trans-Tasman LoRaWAN network

New Zealand telco Spark and Australian IoT network builder National Narrowband Network Co (NNNCo) announced an agreement on Monday that will allow LoRaWAN users to deploy on either side of the Tasman and roam on the other side of the ditch.

In order to implement the roaming arrangement, NNNCo's enterprise platform, N2N-DL, has been integrated into Spark's network core.

"Data from devices on the Spark NZ network will feed into N2N-DL giving customers access to data on a single platform from devices enrolled in either country," the pair said.

"Spark can also do the same for customers with devices enrolled on the NNNCo network in Australia."

One of the first customers of the network will be Parkable, a New Zealand parking app that is looking to expand in Australia.

"As the economy continues to be shaped by COVID-19, we could expect to see more partnerships like this; where carriers and partners work together to enable the deployment and scaling of IoT solutions across markets," Spark IoT lead Tony Agar said.
