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120,000 Christchurch customers are benefitting from fiber broadband speeds

Christchurch fiber broadband network provider, Enable, now has over 120,000 local homes, businesses and schools connected to its fiber broadband network. It urges anyone not on fibre broadband yet to switch, so they’re not left behind or stuck with broadband that doesn’t work when they need it to.

“The Christchurch community continues to embrace fibre broadband in large numbers – with more and more people connecting. We’re seeing over 2,000 orders per month – made up of new customers realising the difference fibre can make for them and existing customers who have moved house or their business, who know they cannot do without fibre broadband,” said Enable CEO, Steve Fuller.

“Almost 7 out of 10 homes and businesses connected to fixed broadband are on Enable fibre, and almost half have connected or moved to speeds of 200Mbps or greater as they use more and more data.”

Enable believes this highlights the growing local community awareness of the importance of having quality fibre broadband that can be relied on – particularly as we’ve all faced the uncertainty caused by COVID-19.

“We saw a 12 percent increase in order volumes in July against the monthly average for the preceding six months. Christchurch people are choosing the higher speed fibre broadband plans at more than twice the national average,” said Mr Fuller.

“We don’t want to see the 30 percent of local people not yet on fibre broadband stuck in a crisis – not able to run their businesses, access school learning, connect with family and friends and be entertained at home.”

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The facts are clear that fibre is the best broadband option in terms of speed and consistent performance – and as a result is most likely to meet anyone’s usage needs at any time.

This is supported by the Commerce Commission’s quarterly broadband performance reports. The latest report, published on 21 August 2020, highlighted that the things many people like to do online are more likely to work uninterrupted over fibre broadband – such as video conferencing, video streaming in ultra-high definition and gaming. The previous report also highlighted that fibre broadband delivered its usual high speeds during the national COVID-19 lockdown, while other broadband technologies like fixed wireless performance dropped by 20-25%.

“This is important information that consumers, especially those not yet on fibre broadband, need to know. It could mean the difference between families being able to do the things they want online at home or not,” said Mr Fuller.

“I hope we never see a return to a lockdown in Christchurch, but I urge local people to be prepared by switching to fibre broadband now. Enable and our world-class fibre broadband network is owned by the people of Christchurch, so I want to ensure they are making the most of the services we provide.”
