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Ntc expands 4G coverage to more than 1000 locations in Nepal

Nepal Telecom (NTC) has been aggressively lately in expanding its 4G LTE coverage nationwide. The 4G expansion of Ntc which started in October 2019 with the presence of Prime Minister has crossed 60 districts with more than 1000 towers. Find the coverage of Ntc 4G with more information about speed, features, and offers.

Nepal Telecom started 4G service back in 2017 from Kathmandu and Pokhara only. With a new 4G project deal inked in February 2019, Nepal Telecom imported the telecom equipment, build the required infrastructure and expanded 4G coverage to more areas. During the soft launch of 4G outside Kathmandu, its coverage was made available to 36 districts. The Ntc 4G project has a capacity of 65 lakhs subscribers and it costs Rs 19 billion. So the 4G contract is also one of the largest projects in the company.

The expansion seems to be going smoothly despite the difficult terrain, adverse weather, and other circumstances. Gorkhapatra reports quoting Nepal Telecom MD Mr. Dilli Adhikari that more towers will be on-aired with a huge number of teams working on it.

With the expansion of the 4G network to a huge area, Nepal Telecom increases its 4G customers significantly by 20 lakhs in a matter of fewer than 3 months’ time. During the soft launch in October, the 4G customer base was just 8 lakhs. Now the latest NTA data shows Ntc 4G customers reach around 28 lakhs. So, we can see Nepal Telecom 4G is getting popular among people.

Nepal Telecom has been using two different spectrum bands for the 4G LTE network which are 1800 MHz and 800 MHz. We suggest you check for the support of these bands if you want to use Ntc 4G in all locations. We had already posted an article about it and more for the things to check before buying a 4G phone in Nepal.

The 800 MHz spectrum having a higher coverage is preferred for the remote locations where the number of 4G base stations is limited. So, if your phone supports this band, you will get a better signal even if you go to a remote area. As 1800MHz serves you well in built-up areas, it should not be an issue in the city areas.

As demonstrated during the 4G launch event back in October, Nepal Telecom’s 4G speed went up to 234 Mbps download and 24 Mbps uplink. Nepal Telecom claims it to be 4.5G technology with such gigantic peak speed. We should not be confused here as all the customers served by a tower will share that connection. So, a customer gets around 20 Mbps average speed in both uplink and downlink as shared to us by several users.

Nepal Telecom now provides 4G service to 61 districts, which includes major cities and areas in the Hilly and Terai area. Recently Ntc has already launched 4G in RARA, which is one of the major tourists attractions of Nepal.

As per their plan, they are going further into the mountainous region which needs an airlift to deliver the equipment. Further, there are areas where Ntc is working to bring 4G in which new tower installation is going on.

Now, they are making more than 40 new base stations live to serve their customers. So, within some time, we can expect them to reach all the 75 districts covered with their 4G coverage.
