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Dialogic joins SAMENA Council's membership to become an active player in SAMENA region's real-time communications and IoT market

SAMENA Council has announced that Dialogic, one of the Industry's leading IoT and cloud-optimized solutions provider for real-time communications media, applications, and infrastructure to service providers, enterprises, and developers around the globe, has joined its community of top-notch regional and global ICT industry players, which are enabling telecom operators to make the most of their infrastructure investments.

Mr. Bocar BA, CEO & Member of the Board of SAMENA Council, congratulating Dialogic on the decision to become a member of the Council, stated: "We warmly welcome Dialogic as a new partner-resource for our Telecom Operator members in their efforts toward creating new value differentiators in their end-users' digital communications experience. In Dialogic, SAMENA Council now has a member that understands well the real-time communications and unified communications markets, and can add knowledge strength to understanding how IoT will alter and transform the communications market, as a whole. Companies that share the vision and spirit of Dialogic join SAMENA Council for multiple reasons, including for its platforms that allow stakeholders and innovative players to generate new business opportunities as well as interact with regional Operator leadership, while working toward addressing digital development matters that will define the future of the industry. Dialogic's decision to join SAMENA Council has arrived at a very strategic time, and we hope that with Dialogic team's active involvement with SAMENA Council, brand visibility and thought-leadership of Dialogic can be greatly enhanced in the region."

"Dialogic is excited to become a member of the SAMENA council,” added Bill Crank, President and CEO of Dialogic. “Our membership provides a great opportunity for Dialogic to not only share our insights on the transformations occurring in the industry and the region, but also learn from other members. We have a long history of innovation in telecommunications and strengthening or forming new relationships with operators, service providers, and other vendors in the council will only help to continue that tradition.”.

SAMENA Council believes while policies and co-operative approaches can help develop new methods and models of engagement; help frame future-friendly regulations and policies, it is also the involvement of diverse technology providers that contributes to better understanding which incentives are required by the Industry. The digital ecosystem's sustainability challenges and the need for making better use of digital technologies, therefore, demand that Operators and Technology Providers, such as Dialogic, collectively communicate on common issues and needs, while supporting SAMENA Council to conduct advocacy exercises and build communication bridges with regional governments.

Source: SAMENA Council Press Release