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Orange boosts its full fiber reach in rural France

Orange has announced plans to offer full broadband services on all Public Initiative Networks (PIN) deployed in France.

The decision means that all consumers who live in areas covered by France's Public Initiative Networks will be able to avail themselves of Orange's full fibre broadband services.

Orange currently provides fibre to the home (FTTH) services to 500,000 customers via France's Public Initiative Networks, with this figure set to rise to almost 3 million by the end of the current year.

“With this decision, we are demonstrating our commitment to fibre deployment, as well as our desire to support our customers and the public authorities. It also illustrates our enduring commitment to closing the digital divide," said Fabienne Dulac, CEO of Orange France.

"Residents and businesses in small towns and rural areas will be the first to benefit from this acceleration plan. Thanks to this plan, two million people living in PIN areas where fibre has been deployed by third parties will soon be able to access "La Fibre Orange" offers by the end of 2019," he added.

Orange currently provides fibre broadband services to 12 million consumers in France.
