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Colt to launch on demand SDN in HK and Singapore

Telecoms and data center services company Colt Technology Services has announced plans to expand its on demand SDN service to Hong Kong and Singapore in the second quarter.

With the expansion, Colt will move closer towards its end-goal of delivering a global SDN service.

The solution uses the Colt IQ network, which currently connects to more than 25,000 buildings and 800 data centers across the key business hubs in Asia, Europe and North America. The service is designed to enable businesses to scale high bandwidth requirements up and down in real-time.

In order to further its growth ambitions, this year Colt plans to deploy more fiber connectivity across key areas.

“Being better connected in 2018 is something that Colt wants to ensure is part of its entire DNA - from the services and infrastructure we invest in, to the customer experience we offer,” Colt CEO Carl Grivner said.

“As the digital transformation journey continues in the APAC region, Colt wants to make sure that we are comprehensively set up in the area to guarantee Colt is front of mind when businesses are thinking about future proofing or expanding their technical and business operations.”
