Movistar Nicaragua has extended its LTE coverage to more than 50 towns and cities across the country – up from just ten at the end of December 2016. The cellco now delivers 4G connectivity to the following locations: Managua, Ticuantepe, Ciudad Sandino, Tipitapa, San Rafael del Sur, Pochomil, Masachapa and Montelimar (all Managua department); Masaya, Catarina, Nindiri, La Concepcion, Tisma and San Juan de la Concepcion (all Masaya); Granada, Nandaime and Diriomo (all Granada); Diriamba, Dolores, Jinotepe, San Marcos and La Boquita (all Carazo); Chinandega, Chichigalpa, Corinto, El Viejo, Jiquilillo, Paso Caballo, Somotillo, El Realejo and Villanueva (all Chinandega); Leon, Nagarote, La Paz, Centro, Poneloya and Malpaisillo (all Leon); Rivas, San Juan del Sur, Tola, Belen, Penas Blancas and Potosi (all Rivas); Matagalpa, Sebaco and Ciudad Dario (Matagalpa); El Rama, Nueva Guinea and Bluefields (all Region Autonoma de la Costa Caribe Sur, RACCS); Juigalpa (Chontales); Ocotal (Nueva Segovia); Boaco (Boaco); Esteli (Esteli); and Jinotega (Jinotega).
Movistar activated its 1900MHz 4G network in capital Managua in November 2015, before extending LTE technology to the seaside resort of San Juan del Sur (March 2016), Leon, Chinandega, Masaya and Granada (June 2016), Tipitapa and Ciudad Sandino (October 2016) and Esteli and Matagalpa (December 2016).