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Singapore completes public safety trials with NEC

NEC and NEC Asia Pacific have announced the completion of three safety and security test bed projects, held in and near Singapore's Jurong Island, under the Safety and Security Industry Program (SSIP) 2020.

The SSIP 2020 is led by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and is being conducted in collaboration with JTC.

The three trials were conducted over a period of 12 months from September 2016, and were aimed at using data analytics and security insights to address Singapore's safety and security needs.

They involved early detection of suspicious behavior, off-site security clearance of authorized personnel and on-the-spot enrollment for first-time visitor access to controlled areas.

In the first trial, NEC provided and tested a system that utilized its high performance NeoFace Facial Recognition software together with the Intelligent Complex Event Processing engine which correlates audio and video analytics, to detect suspicious behavior and identify Persons of Interest (POIs) in both indoor and outdoor areas.

The second trial facilitated off-site security clearance for entry of authorized personnel into Jurong Island, thus reducing congestion at checkpoints. NEC provided and tested a Bus Sensors Monitoring Management System using customized tamper-proof security sensors to prevent unauthorized opening of vehicle doors during bus journeys.

The third trial tested the feasibility of an automated system to provide a more efficient method of enrolling first-time visitors for entry into Jurong Island. The system leveraged NEC's biometric solution to expedite clearance of such visitors via on-the-spot facial and fingerprint recognition enrollment at car inspection bays.

For all the three trials, the technologies provided real-time monitoring and alerts to the simulated Command Center, to inform the authorities of activities which may require law enforcement action.
