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ADL releases 5G Flagship report as well as 3 viewpoints

ADL has had a productive 2nd quarter 2017 and have released their 5G Flagship report as well as 3 ViewPoints. These comprise of

  1. 5G deployment models are crystallizing - Opportunities for telecom operators to facilitate new business ecosystems
  2. The WHY strategy: there is no strategy without meaning – In our changing business environment we need new strategic reasons to exist
  3. What the customer wants! - From Networking to Network PaaS
  4. Procurement 4.0 in the digital world - Transforming procurement into an agile, linked innovation leader and catalyst

Following is the short summary of the content and key questions addressed in each Report / View Point:

5G deployment models are crystallizing - Opportunities for telecom operators to facilitate new business ecosystems:

Arthur D. Little has issued a 3rd report on 5G. In this edition we describe the ‘big bets’ and “strategies” being pursued by leading telcos setting the scene. The report details five 5G rollout-models as follows i.e. to …

• …provide gigabit broadband to residential homes and an effective
last mile complement to existing fiber or cable networks

  • …deliver a next generation nationwide mobile experience enabling new use cases driven by virtual reality, tactile internet, etc.
  • ...deliver highly reliable, low latency connectivity and solutions to corporates improving both efficiency and productivity
  • ….enable digital industrial ecosystems with machine to machine connectivity enabling new service ecosystems with multiple partners, providers and end users
  • …deliver next generation infrastructure-as-a-service for the entire country

To read client voices or add your own comments on LinkedIN pls visit:

The WHY strategy: there is no strategy without meaning – In our changing business environment we need new strategic reasons to exist:

In this View Point ADL proposes a framework to rethink your company. It addresses fundamental questions and topics to consider how best to accelerate corporate’s transformation. To read client voices or add your own comments on LinkedIN pls visit:

What the customer wants! - From Networking to Network PaaS:

This viewpoint is the result of 12 months of intense activity, in which BBVA, supported by Arthur D. Little, developed a vision, defined requirements and sourced its global networking platform concept. To read client voices or add your own comments on the LinkedIN post pls visit:

Procurement 4.0 in the digital world - Transforming procurement into an agile, linked innovation leader and catalyst:

The world is changing: decreasing levels of in-house value-add and increasing speed of market and technological changes require procurement to transform into an agile, linked innovation leader and real-time, integrated supply-chain manager. To read client voices or add your own comments on LinkedIN pls visit:

Source: ADL Press Release