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ACMA to auction more spectrum

The Australian Communications and Media Authority will hold an auction later this year to sell spectrum for mobile broadband, LTE and potential 5G technologies.

The remaining spectrum in the 1800MHz, 2GHz, 2.3 GHz and 3,4GHz bands will be up for auction.

The ACMA has released a discussion paper to solicit comments on its preparation for the sale. Comments will be accepted until 25 August.

It expects mobile broadband and LTE service providers to be among those expressing an interest due to the anticipated use of the spectrum.

But there are no limits on who can apply with the auctions rules and any specifications set by the minister concerned the guiding principles.

The discussion paper seeks the views on stakeholders about the way the ACMA wants to set up the spectrum for auction in a series of draft marketing plans.

Auction rules and methodology are also detailed and the proposal seeks reactions on the proposal to use a simple clock auction format to allocate lots over three stages, with each stage offering multiple lots simultaneously.

The same procedure was used to sell remaining 700 MHz spectrum in April 2017.

Spectrum lots unallocated after the recent auction in the 1800 MHz band are also on the block as is spectrum that was either not allocated in earlier auctions or has become available following spectrum licence re-issue processes in the 2GHz, 2.3GHz and 3.4GHz bands.

Some recently designated 2GHz spectrum in the ACT is also available for the taking.

A statement from the ACMA said that in order to "conduct an efficient and effective auction of the multiband residual lots, the ACMA is required to make a number of legislative instruments, including marketing plans for the 1800 MHz, 2 GHz, 2.3 GHz and 3.4 GHz bands, variation marketing plan instruments for the 1800 MHz and 2.3 GHz bands, as well as an allocation determination. These legislative instruments are collectively referred to in this consultation as the draft allocation instruments".

A marketing plan details the product offering and may offer other specifics like:

the procedures to be followed for issuing spectrum licences;

how the spectrum is to be apportioned among the spectrum licences to be issued; and

the conditions, or types of conditions, that may be included in spectrum licences to be issued.

An allocation determination details "auction rules" and could include the following:

the auction methodology;

how the auction will be advertised; and

methods of payments for licences.
