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Microsoft to continue investments in Turkey

Microsoft will continue to invest in its retail sales operations in Turkey to establish direct contact with more Turkish consumers, according to a Microsoft executive in Turkey.

"Microsoft has been very active for many years in Turkey, where the company has great faith in its consumers and will continue its investments," Deputy General Manager of Consumer Channels Group Halil Gökoğlu told Anadolu Agency (AA) yesterday.

The leading software and technology company opened its first store in the capital Ankara three weeks ago with the concept of "store-within-a-store" and started to give direct services to consumers through its retail business partner, Media Markt.

Gökoğlu said, thanks to the new store, the company's latest products will now be delivered to Turkish consumers at the same time as the rest of the world.

"The store does not just sell Microsoft products. The newest products produced by our business partners for the Microsoft ecosystem are also being offered to customers," Gökoğlu noted.

"The aim is to give our customers the best experience in technological shopping," he said. "We're focusing on solutions to provide maximum benefit for both our customers and business partners with minimum effort."

Though the company is planning to open more stores in Turkey, Gökoğlu said: "It is too early to give an exact date."
